Wednesday, January 30, 2008

There's A Better Way...

I Found this interesting article and wanted to share it with you all.

"There is a BETTER way to build your network marketing business than you are probably being taught!

In all honesty, most people are still being taught to build their businesses using old, outdated, and not very effective methods and techniques that actually HURT the distributor more than help them.

In fact, many of these ways people are teaching their downlines to build their businesses go totally against good business practices, and actually repel the very prospects they are trying to attract.

It's funny because network marketing itself touts such big incomes, lifestyles, and business ownership principles - but why is it that most network marketers do not ever achieve those things? Why does the network marketing industry practice some of the most unprofessional business building methods known to man, and still think that it is a 'business'?

In fact (in my opinion), most network marketing distributors are not taught true business principles or marketing principles, and are expected to build their businesses on hope and chance - rather that a solid business plan that is measurable and based on smart, professional business methods.

Here's where we as an industry need to stand up and educate each other properly and quit leading hard working people astray:

I mean look at the person you are following in network marketing. Do they even have an internet presence? Have they even made money in this business themselves? Do they actually know how to MARKET, or are they teaching you to just PROSPECT and annoy others using the company 'system'?" - Scott Rogers

Here's the good news. I'm a huge believer in using good marketing techniques to build your Zrii business. I won't feed you with the re-hashed, "outdated" techniques that are so prevalent in this industry.

I get 30-40 prospects a day just through the internet and I want YOU to learn to do the same. An effective marketing system is critical if you want to learn to market your business properly- that is why my brother and I are working day and night to give you the very best marketing system.

Zfreedom marketing system will have everything you need in order to succeed. It is NOT a magic bullet but if you apply what I teach, you will do very well.

The beauty of an effective marketing system is that you can set up advertisements both online and offline and let the system do the "hard selling". You only need to spend your time with "pre-qualified" prospects- saving you time... and time is money!

Zfreedom will be complete with all the training you'll ever need to know about internet marketing and how to talk to prospects.

For those who are newer to the internet and feel overwhelmed... don't worry... the Zfreedom marketing system is made for the beginner and the advanced. It is designed to simply leverage your recruiting efforts. If you don't have time to learn internet marketing, you will be able to buy REAL time, high quality leads. A steady flow of good quality prospects is the life-blood of any business!

"People are NOT duplicable, but marketing system are"

The Zfreedom marketing system is coming within the next few weeks. But don't wait to market your business! At least utilize your sample bottles and get the message of Zrii out to your target market! Build, build, build!

I got my 5 this month (actually, more like 10), did you?

1 comment:

  1. Great post Dave! It really cuts to the core of what we do.

    Thanks for all the hard work that you and Doug are constantly pour into your team and for this amazing training!

    The NEW ZFreedom training: I CANNOT wait to have the new system and implement more of the new strategies you talk about!

    Thanks for the challenge!!
