Sunday, January 20, 2008

Goals Vrs. Dreams

The other week my brother and I were discussing the difference between goals and dreams on a conference call. You hear a lot of people talk about goals, but so many forget the power of dreaming!

I had a fellow Zrii I.E. write me and gave me one of the most clear explanations of the difference between setting goals and dreaming. Here are her words:

"Also, I loved your closing on dreams vs. goals. During my quiet time this
morning I was visualizing my goals - a big one is making the 6 Star
incentive. I was visualizing 50000 Group Volume. Then I realized that was
the wrong visual. The visual was sitting around poolside in Cancun with
Bill Farley. And with the two of you and Jason, and my sponsor, and Clint
and Tracy and Ryan and all the rest! I could see all of you, feel the
sunshine, hear the waves, and taste the Pina Coladas!

So when you were comparing dreams and goals I thought that is what I need to
distinguish. The goal of 50000 GV is very important. But the dream of
walking the beaches of Cancun with Bill and the team is so much more
emotional, so much more inspiring and motivating! That is what will get me
on the phone each day!

Thanks again for all you guys do!!!"

Sandy Campbell

Never stop dreaming!

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