Monday, December 31, 2007

Good Marketing Techniques Will Make You Successful!

You know what the problem is with mainstream mlm? The problem has nothing to do with the business model- it is the way people are taught to build their business. People seem to forget that network marketing is still a business which means you have to MARKET it- thus, the "marketing" part at the end of network marketing.

Listen to what Scott Rogers has to say, "The fact is, that the best network marketing education and training you can get should actually challenge you to constantly be getting better at MARKETING and should encourage the use of maximum leverage that will produce predictable results."

So that leaves us with the question, "What do I teach someone who has just started with Zrii on how to build their business?"

Do you tell them to write a list of 100 names of family and friends?

NO!! Please, for the love of marketing, don't do that. That is probably one of the worst ways to market any type of business. Do you see fortune 500 companies being built by going to their family and friends?

The first thing you teach someone is who their target market is.

What is a target market? A target market is a specific group of people that are already interested in what you have to offer.

Why go to your family and friends (I should make an exception here: some of your family or friends could be an excellent target market- but that is an exception and NOT a rule) when there are hundreds of thousands of people out there that are looking for Zrii?

If you want results when you advertise or spend time promoting Zrii- then make sure you are targeting a specific market.

So what are the top 3 target markets for Zrii?

1. Other Network Marketers: Think about it. Other network marketers don't have to be convinced about the business model - they get it - and Zrii is a dream come true for most network marketers.

2. People Into Alternative Health Or Holistic Healing: The Chopra name is world renown. Use that to your advantage when marketing to either other network marketers or to people that believe in alternative healing. Such people could be found at yogo studios, health centers, health stores, etc.

3. Deepak Chopra Followers: You'd be amazed at how many people follow Deepak Chopra- people that have read his books, gone to his seminars and visited the Chopra Center. These people are usually very open-minded to Zrii.

Let me stress this again: Whenever you market your business make sure you have a specific market that you are targeting! And use the power and leverage of the Chopra Center endorsement in your marketing.

Whether you are writing articles, doing ppc campains, advertising in a magazine, handing out mini bottles of Zrii... just keep in mind who your target market is.

This lesson alone will save you a lot of wasted time and money. And teaching your distributors to do the same will give you leverage like you've never seen before!


  1. Aloha Dave....

    Excellent advice! Yes, contacting
    networkers are # priority and it is
    how I've built major mlm businesses
    over the past 24 years...

    Here are some quotes on marketing
    that you'll love... Enjoy, Michael



    "In any economy, Networking Marketing is a great way to get
    into business. If there is one downside to Network Marketing, it's
    that distributors don't always understand that they are marketers!
    No product or service ever sells itself:

    "The product is 20% of the business, the other 80% is marketing!"

    --- Charles Givens, Financial Expert, Best selling author


    "Misconception #1: Having the best product or service guarantees
    success.....THIS SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE! Some of the best products
    ever made failed in the marketplace. Get it out of your head that you can succeed just because you have the best product or service...

    "Times have changed. Old strategies don't work. Businesses today
    have no other advantage than Marketing. Because of the speed of
    information and growth of technological advancement, No One Product Is Much Better Than Anyone Else. Advertising and overhead cost
    the same.. Only With Marketing Can You Outperform The Competition".

    --- By Jay Abraham, Americas legendary Marketing genius


    "Ninety percent of the success of any product or service is
    its promotion and marketing." -- Mark Victor Hansen
