Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ahhh... So I'm Not Alone!

I was searching the internet tonight after writing the post below on "why track your ads" (which you should all read) and I came across this really good article that I thought I would share.

Now, before I share it with you let me give you a word of caution. The information in it is great but don't think the author has a "magic pill" that you are missing. Everything he says is TRUE and you are getting all the training you need right here and in the OGW system in order to market your business successfully via the most leveraged tool on earth... the internet!

If You Are Not Marketing, Your Business Is Dying!
Posted by Scott Rogers at 10/9/2007 11:41 AM and is filed under Business Marketing,network Marketing
Pretty harsh words, I know...

But, it is the truth!

If you are not marketing your business in one way or another, you are moving backwards instead of forwards. Even if you have some type of momentum going already; stopping your personal marketing efforts can make your business stagnant or actually unravel what you have done so far.

"You can water your grass once in the summer and see it grow for a few days without any other work, BUT if you don't water it again and continually, it will die."

Now, let's back up a second and define what I mean by marketing:

Marketing is either having access to a quality supply of leads on a daily basis OR having your messages out there creating your own high quality leadflow for you on a daily basis.

You see, consistency in your marketing efforts is what creates personal momentum for you.

Most people think that momentum is when you recruit a few people who happen to go full out and really get solid results. That's not momentum at all - that's a few people producing that could quit or regress at any moment. The sad part is that many people who do have this happen, stop their own marketing/prospecting efforts and think that these few 'big hitters' will take them all the way.

What you want in your business, is the kind of momentum that you couldn't stop if you tried.

That happens when you continue to personally market and produce even when you have some 'big producers' in your organization already. Why would you stop if continuing could actually double, triple, or more your momentum and income?

The point I'm getting at here is that you can't start and stop in this business. You must always have your marketing message out in the public on a daily basis so they can respond to you when the timing is right for them.

So, if you are using an advanced marketing system like Project Bigfish to generate your own leads, or you are purchasing leads - you must work with leads on a daily basis to keep your pipeline full.

One of the most frustrating things to a networker, is not being able to sponsor or retail to enough prospects as they hope to each month. A major reason for this is that many people only generate or buy a very small amount of leads (or their marketing is very minimal), and then they are very dependent upon each and every one of those people in order to reach their goal (and they say things like 'I will buy x amount of leads, and if I sign someone up, then I'll continue').

This is what I call the 'poverty mentality'. Now, I have been there before and can tell you it's not a good way to work your business.

It's like you are operating in a desperation mode, and every 'no' you get puts more of a mental stress on you than it should. Most people get involved in network marketing because they want to make more money or are struggling currently, and hope this will help them gain more financially.

The problem is, that most people that get started in mlm have no real concept of marketing, lead generation, or solid business principles. They are fed the 'all you got to do is share' line from their sponsor or upline (who most of the time knows nothing about real marketing either) and they think that a few leads or calls a week will land them a 'big hitter' who will build their business for them.

That right there is why I believe that there is such a huge failure rate in this industry - Uneducated people bringing in other uneducated people and 'trying' methods that have dismal results and that most people hate.

I don't care how great you believe your company or products are; it doesn't matter if you don't know how to EFFECTIVELY market them to your target market on a continual basis.

This is a sales business - let's not sugarcoat it anymore. It is what it is: a product/service must be sold in order for you to make a commission. This is not 'sharing' or 'word of mouth'; it's sales and marketing.

The great thing is (even if you don't consider yourself a salesman type), that if you know how to properly market and position yourself and your business; you can do more customer service and simple order taking than the typical sales convincing and overcoming objection tactics that most networkers are taught to use.

Remember, 'People want to buy, but they don't want to be sold.'

Some of the most successful network marketers I know were the top personal producers themselves who then taught their people how to do it correctly. Please don't make the mistake of thinking you can just recruit and find someone who will follow you and think they are going to do great; if you yourself can't prove it can be done.

I encourage you to be a killer personal producer in the midst of recruiting, and watch your business take off!

Remember, an uneducated networker is a BROKE networker.

Get educated today so you can educate others on your success tomorrow.

Make it a great day,

Scott Rogers


  1. Hello Dave,

    'Just wanted to first say how much I appreciate you and your brother, and your sister, Barb, who introduced me to this awesome company!! Thanks for passing on your wealth of knowledge.

    I was on the Tues. evening recruiting call, and something was said about everyone being into networking and advertising just by sharing "stuff" with their friends ie. talking about a great movie they saw. etc.
    Basically the speaker was just reiterating what we all know and pass on - about "word of mouth" advertising. I bring this up here, because on the blog I'm commenting on, the writer says:

    "This is a sales business - let's not sugarcoat it anymore. It is what it is: a product/service must be sold in order for you to make a commission. This is not 'sharing' or 'word of mouth'; it's sales and marketing."

    I understand what the writer is getting at - but ...

    We're being encouraged to use the Tues. evening call as a recruiting tool, but with this above message in your blog - it's a direct contradiction.

    Warm wishes,
    Susan Seel

  2. Hi Dave

    I am having a problem viewing training videos on the
    website, and we would like to put links to this site for training purposes. Please could you advice.

    I am the webmaster for Angel Richards, who is in your downline.


