Friday, June 27, 2008

Doug Firebaugh's Top 10 Prospecting Tactics...

I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer!

September 30th is the deadline to become 7 star and qualify for the founders bonus pool! You don't want to miss out on this.

Don't let summer distract you from building your business. Make this the hardest working and most exciting summer of your life.

Use Zfreedom as leverage. Just get people to your site. Did you know that we are finding that 80-90% of prospects that actually read through the business marketing site and watch the videos are signing up?

That is HUGE! Use that to your advantage. Get as many people to your site as possible. There are so many ways to get people to your site. Use the "Marketing Calendar Example" as a template- you can print it off from the Zfreedom back office under Training.

Also, use all the Zrii meetings that you can (check and get people out to them.

Now is the time to take massive action. Make sure you are enrolling people at the premium level. The $1500 kit has the most value and is the most duplicable. Plus, it will get you to 7 star the fastest.

Here are Doug Firebaugh's Top 10 Prospecting Tactics"

INFERNO Secret: You drive by more people in a week than you could possibly recruit in a year!! is the question.... do you have enough folks to talk to??? If not....READ ON!!!! These tactics are what we have found to be extremely effective in creating leads and consistent people to call on. There are hundreds of ways to Prospect...these are just a few to get you started and on your way. Take one which appeals to you...and start immediately....

1) 'People that care about you.' A warm or Hot market is a great place to start...but ask yourself a question... who really cares about my success and future? Start there and ask for their help. You will be surprised how emotions can be of benefit to you...If they do care about you, They will listen to you and try to help......

2) 'People you truly care about.' Who do you truly care about and want to see have a great life? Start there. Your compassion and caring will come through and impact in a positive way. People liked to be thought of, and this is a way to make that happen, and also to show your feelings towards their future and Life......

3) 'People that you know that care about the same things... ' Who has a commonality with you in caring for the same things? Maybe in a club or church, or an have already established that you have something in common that matters to you both.....and your business would be a great way to expand that relationship......

4) 'Follow your Dollar.' Who do you do business with? Who do give money to on a regular basis... whether it is shopping or getting something repaired....or simply paying to have something done...Who did you buy your car from? Who sells you your clothing and groceries.... follow your dollar...there is a gold mine their in contacts and potential sales.....they may be hesitant about joining you ...but ask for referrals...they owe them to you.

5) 'The Goldmine on your desk.' Most folks have some form of a Rolodex or card case on their desk, or in their planner....but most have a listing of who they have gathered cards from...even in their palm pilot... Most Business owners have a great Rolodex...but l ess than 10% of the cards produce revenues for them.... turn your or their Rolodex into a Goldmine that produces a secondary revenue source for them, by contacting the cards in the rolodex, and increase the value of their contacts..... 'What percentage of your rolodex is currently producing you any type of revenue source? 2%? 5%? If there was a way to increase that to 15-20%...would you want to know about it?'

6) 'Referrals.' This business is not for everyone...but everyone knows someone who it is for.. Ask. And it really depends on how you ask, that determines the response.......' Obviously this isn't for you....but if you were me...who would be the first 2 people you would call to share this with? .....'...and then call them....' Hello Mary? My name is Doug...and I promised Tom I would give you a share an idea he thought you would enjoy.

Also, check out The Network Marketing Training Institute! It is a member site with an online leaning curriculum that covers every aspect of Success with a Home Business. We also have FRE-E Training Webinars every Monday night at 10 pm est that the content will blow your mind. Go to: and find out more details!

7) 'Business owners you know...or someone else knows them.' Business owners, especially small business owners are always looking for ways to increase value to their employees, and to increase the bottom line to their company. A lot of business owners have found Network Marketing to be a great secondary profit center for their business........and they all have associations they belong to....with other business owners......A good way to prospect them is to ask for their advice on Marketing.....and their help. Don't forget the Goldmine on their desk.

8) 'Stay at Home moms.' One of the fastest growing sectors in MLM is the stay at home mom....many women professionals are starting to leave their jobs and careers to spend time with their family... values seem to be changing, and with that comes a great opportunity to help them reclaim the income they lost...... and they already have proven themselves in the workforce... And over 70% of all networkers... are women......

9) 'Chamber of Commerce.' Every city has a Chamber...and most are all business minded....a goldmine for sales and referrals, and even some distributors.....join your chamber or at least attend some functions and get a listing of members...... and here is an INFERNO Secret to recruit....establish a relationship and ask for their help.......and refer business to them...

10) 'Civic/Charitable organizations.' Join a Civic group to first make a difference in your city..... not just to network. And become known as a go getter and helper, and as you do these things, ask for people's referrals.....and maybe a time you could let them try your products.......but understand.....FIRST make a difference in the group, and then you will have a better chance of making a difference with them with your business...


  1. Dave, your heading or tagline says "Tired of nagging family and friends" (warm market)
    Then you print something from someone (I have never heard of) that says in 7 out of 10 cases to nag your warm market.

    Besides the credibility issue (Who is this guy) this is the same stuff network marketing leaders have been saying for 50 years.

    Meanwhile they built THEIR groups from being first, having incredible contacts and having a lot of money to invest.

    I like the system, but would like credible tips for building this that average (not already wealthy or well-connected people can USE.)

    Thanks, Rick

  2. Yes, I agree there are some tips here that are more traditional network marketing.

    There were some good ones near the end.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Dave,
    Although the list of marketing tactics is not new at all, and most of them have been used since the beginning, it is also good to refresh yourself to the traditional methods, so the idea of this is a great reminder.

    But, one very important note to make is that; you really need to edit the whole article again. There are many, many grammatical errors throughout it. As a professional I see that, and I immediately doubt that persons credibility, knowledge, and professionalism.
