Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Zrii In Mexico... Don't Miss Out!


You should have heard the enthusiasm in my brother Doug's voice as he talked to me over the phone while in Mexico.

"Dave, you got to witness this for yourself. It's incredible. People are signing up from all over Mexico. They are excited. People are quitting their jobs to do Zrii full time for the next 3 months. I've never seen anything like it"

Doug could hardly contain himself as he was sharing with me story after story of leaders that are coming into Zrii.

What does this mean for you?

Network marketing is not rocket science. You simply start building a "network" of people who enjoy taking the product and have a vision for the business opportunity. These people will know other people who know other people who know someone from Mexico (or replace Mexico with Canada, United States, other cities, other markets, etc.).

Get the point?

You see, network marketing is beautiful when you actually work it. It leverages your efforts in ways you could not imagine. You can tap into a global market.

You know how the United States is going through a financial crisis right now? Have you ever considered the fact that network marketing is practically the only business model that allows you to leverage off of other country's economies?

And it all starts with YOU! All you need to do is be consistent. Start building a downline. It doesn't matter how "big" your team is. What matters is that you are "networking" with people. You never know who will know someone from Mexico.

Zrii will eventually open in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, etc.

Do you see the potential? Do you see the power of network marketing? Never give up. Zrii is just getting started. Your "network" is more valuable then you think. Every time Zrii opens in another country you have an opportunity of a life-time through the contacts you've already made.

So it starts in your back yard. Build contacts HERE and you will build a global business.

Of course, you can use the internet as well (Oh how I love the internet).

I am convinced that there is no better opportunity for people today to break free from the bondage of debt then the Zrii opportunity.

Will it be easy? No way. Nothing good in life is easy.

But I promise you that if you stay committed and think long-term, you will reap the benefits of all your labor!


Here's some pic's from Mexico. The first one is of my brother and my Dad. The one below is of Doug standing with some of our leaders from Mexico.

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