Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I've Got Bad News...

If you're not using Article Marketing in all your marketing efforts than your missing out big time!

But, the good news is that I can show you EXACTLY how you can begin utilizing one of the most effective FREE forms of marketing on the internet.

The following is a little lengthy but well worth your time. But I must warn you: ONCE YOU'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO ARTICLE MARKETING GO AND TAKE ACTION!!!!! Otherwise, it won't do you any good.

BTW, I wrote about 16 articles 12 months ago and I just checked the stats today. I've received over 5000 visitors to my articles and over 2000 clicks to my site. And all for FREE... each article only took me about 25 minutes to write!

(This next part is taken from one of my old blog posts and I've just updated some of the information)

Ever heard of article marketing before? If not, you are in for a special treat today. Article marketing is probably one of the best ways to drive traffic to any website without ever having to spend a dime! Just think what kind of leverage you could have by writing a few articles that get circulated throughout the internet and search engines for years to come...and when people read them they can click on your link to visit your Zfreedom lead capture page.

What is an article and where do you submit them? An article is simply a write up about any topic...could be network marketing, health, nutrition, zrii, amalaki, real estate, mortgages, mothers working from home, wellness professionals...the list goes on. Most articles are around 300-500 words in length. The best articles are ones that have good solid content that people are interested in. In other words, your article should be fairly informative to the reader. You can submit articles to any article directory on the internet for FREE! But, in my opinion the best one is

Anytime you are writing an article there are a few basic things to remember. First, you want your content to be keyword rich. That means that if you are talking about amalaki then your article should have the keyword amalaki in it many times...maybe even amalaki juice or amalaki berry and so on. HINT: Put as many of your main keywords as possible in the title of your article.

Second, don't worry about what to write. People want to hear your thoughts so just put them on paper...tell people what you know about a certain topic or interest. You'll be surprised at how many people enjoy reading your thoughts. You can even take some of the information that I've taught you and re-write it in your own words- just be careful NOT to copy it!

Third, use keyword phrases NOT just keywords. For example, "Zrii review" is a keyword phrase. Remember, you want someone to type a keyword or keyword phrase into google and have your article come up. For instance, at the time I'm writing this blog post, if you typed, "deepak chopra zrii" into google my article is the first one to come up (update: I took this article down due to compliance issues). Pretty cool, huh? And the best part is that it only took me around 25 mintues to write and I haven't paid a dime.

So how do you get traffic to your site by writing articles? Good question. Every time you write an article you get to include a resource box or bio at the end of your article. In that resource box you will present yourself as a professional network marketer and have your url to your Zfreedom lead capture page available for people to click on.

Does it work? Well, instead of me just saying, "yeah, of course it works" about I show you real statistics. Sound good?

O.k. so here are the stats to date:

I've written around 8 articles (Update: 16 articles) I've had 351 visitors to my site (Update: over 2000) and 21 prospects (people that have given me their contact information- I've had even more since). Not bad, considering that I have it on auto pilot and just follow up with people that are interested in the Zrii opportunity. Out of those prospects I've had a couple of sign ups.

But, it even gets better. After you write an article it stays in circulation for a very long time. I've heard of some people receiving traffic for years from one article!

So when you have some spare time, sit down and write a few articles. Have fun doing it and watch people come to you! The key is to be consistent. Write 2 or 3 articles a week. Try to write about "how to" stuff. What do other network marketers want to learn? Write about that. Be as specific as you can and use bullet points or lists in your article... people love that sort of stuff.

Ps. Here is a tip for those who HATE to write. Go to and you can post a project where other people will write for you. It does cost a little but if you don't mind paying someone it can save you a lot of time (Don't pay more than $15/article)

Pps. For that tip you can just hug me next time you see me :)

PPS. For more in depth training on article marketing please log onto your Zfreedom back office and click on the Marketing Tab. Then click on "Generating Online Traffic". You will see a lot of great resources about article marketing. Make sure you go through them all.


  1. Hey Doug, just wanted to send you a hug! ((Doug)) There, can you feel that? I sure hope so. You deserve that and more. Thanks for all you do. You Rock!

    Timothy D. Sander

  2. Doug, Here is another hug from me and my wife. We learn a lot from your tips on building our Zrii Business. Thank you!

  3. Yeah, that article stuff is true. I wrote one on Yoga at one point, and not only have I gotten traffic out of it, I have seen the article on other sites that I didn't even know existed! Thanks for reminding me to write more!
