Sometimes it is easy to forget and lose sight of the fact that network marketing is all about duplication.
What makes the network marketing business model brilliant is the exponential growth aspect associated with duplication.
So how do you define duplication?
One of my mentors Randy Gage says, "It is simple actions that can be duplicated by a large group of people on a consistent basis"
You know what's funny?
Everyone has the tendency to complicate things (I'm a huge culprit of this) which cuts the legs of duplication right out from under network marketing.
Simple = duplication
Why do we want to complicate things? Probably because we don't really fully understand the power of duplication and that duplication ONLY HAPPENS WHEN IT IS KEPT SIMPLE.
Let's really take a look at this.
Is pay per click advertising highly duplicable? No.
Is blogging, ezines, article marketing, or banners duplicable? No.
So what is highly effective yet still duplicable?
Drum roll please...
Inviting someone to view your Zfreedom website. Doug and I already know that the Zfreedom business site converts very well. We already know the effectiveness of all the auto responders. We know the power of the "one touch" emails.
All you have to do is get someone there. Everyone can talk (invite someone). Everyone can see (look at what they did on your site). Everyone can socialize (get to know your prospect) Everyone can click a mouse button (send a "one touch" email). And everyone can pick up the phone (do a three-way call)
Do you want to build walk-away residual income for life?
Then meet your daily objective of getting at least one new person to view your Zfreedom business site by getting them to fill in their contact information on one of your landing pages.
And when you first get started PUT ALL YOUR CONTACTS INTO THE WARM MARKET WIZARD. Your goal should be to get at least 30 people you know to view your site.
Don't make the mistake of making it too complicated. Just get people to view your presentation... that's it. You'll be amazed what happens when you simply invite people to your site.
See my last blog post for ideas on how to invite people to your site.
Make it a duplicable September- that is the fastest way to 7 star!
Dave Vass
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Not Knowing How To Invite People Could Cost You...
In my last blog post I talked about your one daily objective.
Now, there are all kinds of ways to market your Zrii business. There is pay per click, article marketing, classified ads, magazine ads, flyers, etc.
But, what is the easiest way to guarantee you meet your daily objective?
The easiest way to guarantee that someone will fill in their contact information on one of your landing pages is to invite them to it.
Yep, that's right. Pretty simple, huh?
All you have to learn is how to invite someone to view your Zfreedom presentation. Anyone can do it. You don't have to master pay per click advertising, you don't need to be a wiz at calling leads, you don't need to know how to do a classified ad... all you need to do is learn a few sentences known as an invitation.
Traditionally, network marketers invited people to do various things like go to a meeting, watch a DVD, listen to a conference call, etc.
But, your one objective is to invite them to view your Zfreedom presentation. And really let's think about this. How hard is it to get someone to go to your website and fill in their contact information and spend 20-30 minutes viewing your site? People love to surf the net. They love to go to websites. And when you invite someone to your site, that site has just become way more personal... as opposed to just another "cold" internet website.
To learn how to invite people to your site all you really need is a business card and a few catchy phrases memorized.
First, let's remember that you will direct 90% of people to your business site. You are not trying to find customers... you are trying to find new distributors. Now, in the process of trying to find new distributors you will almost always find customers.
The ONLY exception to this rule is if you meet someone who has some sort of health condition. Then and ONLY then would you send them directly to your product site. Because that is what is first and foremost on their mind.
But, most people's biggest concern is how to make a little extra money.
O.k. so here are a few invitations that you can practice and use when inviting people to view your presentation:
"Ever heard of Deepak Chopra? Well, I've started marketing a new health product, the only one the Chopra Center has ever endorsed and we are looking for other people who want to get involved. Would you be interested?"
"Do you want to learn about a proven system of how to make money from home? We give give a FREE one hour consulting session for anyone seriously interested."
"I've just partnered with a billionaire, he is the part owner of the Chicago White Sox. He has just launched his next billion dollar company and is looking for leaders to open new markets. This is a once in a life-time opportunity. Would you be interested in taking a look?"
Choose one you like and perfect it. Practice it in front of a mirror. Don't make it any longer and don't give them any more details. If they ask you any questions simply say, "Look, I really don't have time to go into details about this. I'm going to give you my website (hand them your business card). Will you go to my website and take a look? Oh and by the way, when you get there you will enter your name, phone number, and email... don't worry, it only comes to me and let's me know you've been to my site."
Confirm that they understand you and that they will go to your site. You can even get their email address right there just in case they forget to go to your site.
That's it.
As you consistently do this every day you will meet your daily objective. Then you can start adding more marketing tactics like article marketing, classified ads, ppc, blogging, buying leads, etc.
Dave Vass
Now, there are all kinds of ways to market your Zrii business. There is pay per click, article marketing, classified ads, magazine ads, flyers, etc.
But, what is the easiest way to guarantee you meet your daily objective?
The easiest way to guarantee that someone will fill in their contact information on one of your landing pages is to invite them to it.
Yep, that's right. Pretty simple, huh?
All you have to learn is how to invite someone to view your Zfreedom presentation. Anyone can do it. You don't have to master pay per click advertising, you don't need to be a wiz at calling leads, you don't need to know how to do a classified ad... all you need to do is learn a few sentences known as an invitation.
Traditionally, network marketers invited people to do various things like go to a meeting, watch a DVD, listen to a conference call, etc.
But, your one objective is to invite them to view your Zfreedom presentation. And really let's think about this. How hard is it to get someone to go to your website and fill in their contact information and spend 20-30 minutes viewing your site? People love to surf the net. They love to go to websites. And when you invite someone to your site, that site has just become way more personal... as opposed to just another "cold" internet website.
To learn how to invite people to your site all you really need is a business card and a few catchy phrases memorized.
First, let's remember that you will direct 90% of people to your business site. You are not trying to find customers... you are trying to find new distributors. Now, in the process of trying to find new distributors you will almost always find customers.
The ONLY exception to this rule is if you meet someone who has some sort of health condition. Then and ONLY then would you send them directly to your product site. Because that is what is first and foremost on their mind.
But, most people's biggest concern is how to make a little extra money.
O.k. so here are a few invitations that you can practice and use when inviting people to view your presentation:
"Ever heard of Deepak Chopra? Well, I've started marketing a new health product, the only one the Chopra Center has ever endorsed and we are looking for other people who want to get involved. Would you be interested?"
"Do you want to learn about a proven system of how to make money from home? We give give a FREE one hour consulting session for anyone seriously interested."
"I've just partnered with a billionaire, he is the part owner of the Chicago White Sox. He has just launched his next billion dollar company and is looking for leaders to open new markets. This is a once in a life-time opportunity. Would you be interested in taking a look?"
Choose one you like and perfect it. Practice it in front of a mirror. Don't make it any longer and don't give them any more details. If they ask you any questions simply say, "Look, I really don't have time to go into details about this. I'm going to give you my website (hand them your business card). Will you go to my website and take a look? Oh and by the way, when you get there you will enter your name, phone number, and email... don't worry, it only comes to me and let's me know you've been to my site."
Confirm that they understand you and that they will go to your site. You can even get their email address right there just in case they forget to go to your site.
That's it.
As you consistently do this every day you will meet your daily objective. Then you can start adding more marketing tactics like article marketing, classified ads, ppc, blogging, buying leads, etc.
Dave Vass
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Your One Daily Objective...
O.k. so what is your ONE DAILY OBJECTIVE in order to achieve success?
Well, before I tell you the one thing you should do every day, let me first share with you something I've learned about network marketing.
The power of network marketing is duplication. And duplication only works when each new distributor has a clear objective each day. It has to be simple. It has to work. And it needs to stretch them... in other words, it can't be super easy (simple, yes. Easy, no)
So what is this ONE objective that you need to do every day and teach your new distributors to do as well?
Are you ready?
Get one new person/day to view your Zfreedom presentation by either getting them to fill in their contact information on one of your Zfreedom landing pages OR by getting them to click on the link from one of your Warm Market Wizard emails.
It doesn't matter how you do it. You just need to get it done. One new person to fill in their contact information on one of your Zfreedom landing pages is simple. It might not be super easy, but it is definitely doable if you try.
Do you now understand clearly what your one objective is everyday?
So how are you going to accomplish your one objective?
By creating a PLAN OF ACTION. Or what I refer to as a Marketing Calendar. See the Marketing section in the back office of Zfreedom for more details.
In the end it doesn't matter what tactic you use just as long as you are getting one
new person to fill in their contact information on one of your landing pages.
HINT: Use the targeted landing pages to your advantage. It is a lot easier to get a Mother to fill in their contact information on your Mother landing page. You have a better chance of getting a Real Estate Agent to fill in their contact information on the Real Estate landing page. Get the point?
Here's what I would do to guarantee my one new person every day.
Print out 10 copies of each flyer from the Zfreedom back office. You will find these flyers under the Marketing section.
On each flyer make sure you put the corresponding landing page. So the real estate flyer would have your real estate landing page url on it.
Keep these flyers in your car. As you go about your day you will run into Mothers, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, wellness professionals, teachers, entrepreneurs, etc.
Give them your business card and the corresponding flyer. Make sure you get their commitment that they will go to your website and give you their name, phone number, and email... otherwise it doesn't count.
If you don't have a flyer handy... then carry a cheat sheet with you. Know which landing pages are what (ie. "/goland1", "/goland2", "/goland3"). Then you can always add the corresponding landing page to the end of your domain if you run into any of your target markets.
The key is to understand that you have to get them to enter their contact information on your website. Without this, you haven't really accomplished anything. Once they enter their information you now have a new prospect in the marketing funnel.
You can do two things with a new prospect that has read through your Zfreedom site and watched some of the videos:
1. Do a three-way call with your sponsor or upline.
2. Get them to a local meeting.
It can't be any simpler than this. Get one new person to fill in their contact information on one of your landing pages every day.
You can learn new marketing tactics every month to help get that one new person. You can learn article marketing, ppc, classified advertising, MySpace, etc.
But, remember unless you actually get a new prospect it doesn't count. In other words, the person MUST show up in your Contact manager.
For more information on The Zfreedom System just click here
Now go out and make it happen!
Dave Vass
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I've Got Bad News...
If you're not using Article Marketing in all your marketing efforts than your missing out big time!
But, the good news is that I can show you EXACTLY how you can begin utilizing one of the most effective FREE forms of marketing on the internet.
The following is a little lengthy but well worth your time. But I must warn you: ONCE YOU'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO ARTICLE MARKETING GO AND TAKE ACTION!!!!! Otherwise, it won't do you any good.
BTW, I wrote about 16 articles 12 months ago and I just checked the stats today. I've received over 5000 visitors to my articles and over 2000 clicks to my site. And all for FREE... each article only took me about 25 minutes to write!
(This next part is taken from one of my old blog posts and I've just updated some of the information)
Ever heard of article marketing before? If not, you are in for a special treat today. Article marketing is probably one of the best ways to drive traffic to any website without ever having to spend a dime! Just think what kind of leverage you could have by writing a few articles that get circulated throughout the internet and search engines for years to come...and when people read them they can click on your link to visit your Zfreedom lead capture page.
What is an article and where do you submit them? An article is simply a write up about any topic...could be network marketing, health, nutrition, zrii, amalaki, real estate, mortgages, mothers working from home, wellness professionals...the list goes on. Most articles are around 300-500 words in length. The best articles are ones that have good solid content that people are interested in. In other words, your article should be fairly informative to the reader. You can submit articles to any article directory on the internet for FREE! But, in my opinion the best one is
Anytime you are writing an article there are a few basic things to remember. First, you want your content to be keyword rich. That means that if you are talking about amalaki then your article should have the keyword amalaki in it many times...maybe even amalaki juice or amalaki berry and so on. HINT: Put as many of your main keywords as possible in the title of your article.
Second, don't worry about what to write. People want to hear your thoughts so just put them on paper...tell people what you know about a certain topic or interest. You'll be surprised at how many people enjoy reading your thoughts. You can even take some of the information that I've taught you and re-write it in your own words- just be careful NOT to copy it!
Third, use keyword phrases NOT just keywords. For example, "Zrii review" is a keyword phrase. Remember, you want someone to type a keyword or keyword phrase into google and have your article come up. For instance, at the time I'm writing this blog post, if you typed, "deepak chopra zrii" into google my article is the first one to come up (update: I took this article down due to compliance issues). Pretty cool, huh? And the best part is that it only took me around 25 mintues to write and I haven't paid a dime.
So how do you get traffic to your site by writing articles? Good question. Every time you write an article you get to include a resource box or bio at the end of your article. In that resource box you will present yourself as a professional network marketer and have your url to your Zfreedom lead capture page available for people to click on.
Does it work? Well, instead of me just saying, "yeah, of course it works" about I show you real statistics. Sound good?
O.k. so here are the stats to date:
I've written around 8 articles (Update: 16 articles) I've had 351 visitors to my site (Update: over 2000) and 21 prospects (people that have given me their contact information- I've had even more since). Not bad, considering that I have it on auto pilot and just follow up with people that are interested in the Zrii opportunity. Out of those prospects I've had a couple of sign ups.
But, it even gets better. After you write an article it stays in circulation for a very long time. I've heard of some people receiving traffic for years from one article!
So when you have some spare time, sit down and write a few articles. Have fun doing it and watch people come to you! The key is to be consistent. Write 2 or 3 articles a week. Try to write about "how to" stuff. What do other network marketers want to learn? Write about that. Be as specific as you can and use bullet points or lists in your article... people love that sort of stuff.
Ps. Here is a tip for those who HATE to write. Go to and you can post a project where other people will write for you. It does cost a little but if you don't mind paying someone it can save you a lot of time (Don't pay more than $15/article)
Pps. For that tip you can just hug me next time you see me :)
PPS. For more in depth training on article marketing please log onto your Zfreedom back office and click on the Marketing Tab. Then click on "Generating Online Traffic". You will see a lot of great resources about article marketing. Make sure you go through them all.
But, the good news is that I can show you EXACTLY how you can begin utilizing one of the most effective FREE forms of marketing on the internet.
The following is a little lengthy but well worth your time. But I must warn you: ONCE YOU'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO ARTICLE MARKETING GO AND TAKE ACTION!!!!! Otherwise, it won't do you any good.
BTW, I wrote about 16 articles 12 months ago and I just checked the stats today. I've received over 5000 visitors to my articles and over 2000 clicks to my site. And all for FREE... each article only took me about 25 minutes to write!
(This next part is taken from one of my old blog posts and I've just updated some of the information)
Ever heard of article marketing before? If not, you are in for a special treat today. Article marketing is probably one of the best ways to drive traffic to any website without ever having to spend a dime! Just think what kind of leverage you could have by writing a few articles that get circulated throughout the internet and search engines for years to come...and when people read them they can click on your link to visit your Zfreedom lead capture page.
What is an article and where do you submit them? An article is simply a write up about any topic...could be network marketing, health, nutrition, zrii, amalaki, real estate, mortgages, mothers working from home, wellness professionals...the list goes on. Most articles are around 300-500 words in length. The best articles are ones that have good solid content that people are interested in. In other words, your article should be fairly informative to the reader. You can submit articles to any article directory on the internet for FREE! But, in my opinion the best one is
Anytime you are writing an article there are a few basic things to remember. First, you want your content to be keyword rich. That means that if you are talking about amalaki then your article should have the keyword amalaki in it many times...maybe even amalaki juice or amalaki berry and so on. HINT: Put as many of your main keywords as possible in the title of your article.
Second, don't worry about what to write. People want to hear your thoughts so just put them on paper...tell people what you know about a certain topic or interest. You'll be surprised at how many people enjoy reading your thoughts. You can even take some of the information that I've taught you and re-write it in your own words- just be careful NOT to copy it!
Third, use keyword phrases NOT just keywords. For example, "Zrii review" is a keyword phrase. Remember, you want someone to type a keyword or keyword phrase into google and have your article come up. For instance, at the time I'm writing this blog post, if you typed, "deepak chopra zrii" into google my article is the first one to come up (update: I took this article down due to compliance issues). Pretty cool, huh? And the best part is that it only took me around 25 mintues to write and I haven't paid a dime.
So how do you get traffic to your site by writing articles? Good question. Every time you write an article you get to include a resource box or bio at the end of your article. In that resource box you will present yourself as a professional network marketer and have your url to your Zfreedom lead capture page available for people to click on.
Does it work? Well, instead of me just saying, "yeah, of course it works" about I show you real statistics. Sound good?
O.k. so here are the stats to date:
I've written around 8 articles (Update: 16 articles) I've had 351 visitors to my site (Update: over 2000) and 21 prospects (people that have given me their contact information- I've had even more since). Not bad, considering that I have it on auto pilot and just follow up with people that are interested in the Zrii opportunity. Out of those prospects I've had a couple of sign ups.
But, it even gets better. After you write an article it stays in circulation for a very long time. I've heard of some people receiving traffic for years from one article!
So when you have some spare time, sit down and write a few articles. Have fun doing it and watch people come to you! The key is to be consistent. Write 2 or 3 articles a week. Try to write about "how to" stuff. What do other network marketers want to learn? Write about that. Be as specific as you can and use bullet points or lists in your article... people love that sort of stuff.
Ps. Here is a tip for those who HATE to write. Go to and you can post a project where other people will write for you. It does cost a little but if you don't mind paying someone it can save you a lot of time (Don't pay more than $15/article)
Pps. For that tip you can just hug me next time you see me :)
PPS. For more in depth training on article marketing please log onto your Zfreedom back office and click on the Marketing Tab. Then click on "Generating Online Traffic". You will see a lot of great resources about article marketing. Make sure you go through them all.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Some Pic's Of Me and the Kids...
Monday, August 4, 2008
100 Marketing Tactics To Grow Your Zrii Business...
By now I hope everyone has heard me emphasize the importance of a marketing calendar. Yet, I'm still amazed at how many people have not created one.
Out of 100 distributors I would venture that less than 5% have taken the time to do this.
And how much time does it really take?
Maybe 30 minutes.
Why is it so important?
Well, read this little blurb I received from another very successful networker that "gets it":
"Prospects are everywhere. You just have to choose how
you would like to contact them.
There are lots of methods to locate and create prospects.
And all of the methods work - if you learn how to use the
method correctly.
Many times you hear distributors say:
''Advertising doesn't work.''
But is this true?
Of course not. We know advertising does work. If not,
who is paying for all those television commercials?
What the distributor should be saying is:
''My advertising doesn't work.''
Once the distributor takes that personal responsibility,
prospecting starts to make sense. If a distributor's
advertising doesn't work, then the distributor has two
1. Invest the time and money to learn how to make his
advertising work so that he can compete successfully
with other advertisers, or
2. If the distributor doesn't want to make that investment,
then simply choose a different method of prospecting.
If a distributor says:
''Direct mail doesn't work.''
Is that true?
Of course not.
Direct mail works. Look in your mailbox and you'll see
plenty of direct mail weekly. The truth is:
''That distributor's direct mail didn't work.''
Now the distributor has the same two choices as before.
Invest and learn how to make direct mail work, or choose
a different method.
What else doesn't work?
You'll hear distributors say:
''Internet marketing doesn't work.''
''Cold calls don't work.''
''Opportunity meetings don't work.''
''Referrals don't work.''
''Postcards don't work.''
''Bird dogs don't work.''
And the same truth applies to all of these methods of
Distributors must find a method of prospecting that
they enjoy, then learn how to use that method - or
pick another method."
Wow, it's great to see that another very successful network marketer who has built a global business understands the importance of choosing marketing tactics that work best for YOU!
And that is what the Marketing Calendar is all about.
Click here to see an example of what a marketing calendar looks like.
Notice how a marketing calendar does NOT rely on ONE tactic? And notice how a marketing calendar keeps you accountable? Plus, a marketing calendar forces you to track your results which is so important.
Everyone's marketing calendar is going to be somewhat different and personalized.
That's ok. One marketing tactic that I enjoy and I'm good at might be one that you hate and aren't very good at.
Some people love buying leads. And some people don't.
Some people use their local newspaper to put classified ads in about a business opportunity... and some people don't.
Some people hand out 10 business cards a day... and some people don't.
Some people do a lot of pay per click advertising... and some don't.
Some people do an opportunity meeting once a week... and some don't.
I think you get the picture.
The key is that you are doing SOMETHING.
So what does your marketing calendar look like?
Need more ideas on tactics you can use to build your business?
Then click here for the 100 Tactics Checklist
BTW, all of this training can be found in the back office of Zfreedom.
Have a great day!
Out of 100 distributors I would venture that less than 5% have taken the time to do this.
And how much time does it really take?
Maybe 30 minutes.
Why is it so important?
Well, read this little blurb I received from another very successful networker that "gets it":
"Prospects are everywhere. You just have to choose how
you would like to contact them.
There are lots of methods to locate and create prospects.
And all of the methods work - if you learn how to use the
method correctly.
Many times you hear distributors say:
''Advertising doesn't work.''
But is this true?
Of course not. We know advertising does work. If not,
who is paying for all those television commercials?
What the distributor should be saying is:
''My advertising doesn't work.''
Once the distributor takes that personal responsibility,
prospecting starts to make sense. If a distributor's
advertising doesn't work, then the distributor has two
1. Invest the time and money to learn how to make his
advertising work so that he can compete successfully
with other advertisers, or
2. If the distributor doesn't want to make that investment,
then simply choose a different method of prospecting.
If a distributor says:
''Direct mail doesn't work.''
Is that true?
Of course not.
Direct mail works. Look in your mailbox and you'll see
plenty of direct mail weekly. The truth is:
''That distributor's direct mail didn't work.''
Now the distributor has the same two choices as before.
Invest and learn how to make direct mail work, or choose
a different method.
What else doesn't work?
You'll hear distributors say:
''Internet marketing doesn't work.''
''Cold calls don't work.''
''Opportunity meetings don't work.''
''Referrals don't work.''
''Postcards don't work.''
''Bird dogs don't work.''
And the same truth applies to all of these methods of
Distributors must find a method of prospecting that
they enjoy, then learn how to use that method - or
pick another method."
Wow, it's great to see that another very successful network marketer who has built a global business understands the importance of choosing marketing tactics that work best for YOU!
And that is what the Marketing Calendar is all about.
Click here to see an example of what a marketing calendar looks like.
Notice how a marketing calendar does NOT rely on ONE tactic? And notice how a marketing calendar keeps you accountable? Plus, a marketing calendar forces you to track your results which is so important.
Everyone's marketing calendar is going to be somewhat different and personalized.
That's ok. One marketing tactic that I enjoy and I'm good at might be one that you hate and aren't very good at.
Some people love buying leads. And some people don't.
Some people use their local newspaper to put classified ads in about a business opportunity... and some people don't.
Some people hand out 10 business cards a day... and some people don't.
Some people do a lot of pay per click advertising... and some don't.
Some people do an opportunity meeting once a week... and some don't.
I think you get the picture.
The key is that you are doing SOMETHING.
So what does your marketing calendar look like?
Need more ideas on tactics you can use to build your business?
Then click here for the 100 Tactics Checklist
BTW, all of this training can be found in the back office of Zfreedom.
Have a great day!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Why Use Video Email?
I'm here at my lake house enjoying a beautiful Sunday with my family.
When you work hard at network marketing... and you're willing to do what the average person isn't... then you will reap the benefits of its amazing flexible life-style.
Internet-Network marketing is amazing- I'm here on a vacation with my family at the lake and I'm still working my business!
Talk about rewarding!
And the thing is, I'm more than willing to share with you how Doug and I got here. Actually, that is my passion- to teach you the art of marketing your Zrii business.
And that is what Zfreedom is all about.
So what can you do that will separate yourself from the rest?
You see, the key in building a successful business is to NOT be average.
Rise above your competition. Be willing to do what most aren't.
Hence today's topic: Why Use Video Email?
Do you know what the fastest growing trend on the internet is?
Social networking (i.e. facebook, MySpace, twitter, etc.)
Do you know why?
People want to "know" each other. They want to connect.
So how can you use this knowledge when building your Zrii business?
Use video email.
Think about it. How many times do you get a video email from a person that is trying to sell you something? What would that do if you did?
Do you realize the impact it would have on your prospects if you took a few minutes to let them "see" you through a video email?
I can almost here you say, "But, I don't know what to say".
That's ok. You don't need to say anything significant... and you certainly don't need to pitch Zrii on them (that is what the marketing site does). Just let them know who you are and how much you care about them.
That's it.
You just separated yourself from your competition in a HUGE way.
You connected with your prospect or new distributor in a whole new level.
So how easy is it to incoporate video email into your marketing efforts?
Very easy!
The Zfreedom System already has it available to the Premier users. Not a premier user yet? Just log onto your Zfreedom back office and scroll over the "Home" tab and click on "My Account and Billing". There will be an option for you to upgrade.
What do premier users get:
1. Video email
2. Toll free number
3. Conference bridge line
4. Webinar capabilities
5. Ability to edit auto responders
6. Live customer support
Now, I hope I don't need to tell you how valuable all of these things are. You would be hard pressed to find all of these in a single package for under $50.
But, just the video email alone is worth gold!
All you need is a computer, a web-cam, and a microphone.
You can pick up a web-cam with a built-in microphone for less than 50 bucks at your local electronic store (just don't buy the cheapest one... quality is important)
Then once you have the Premier account in Zfreedom just log onto your Zfreedom back office and scroll over the "Power Tools" tab. Then click on "Video Creator" and follow the step by step instructions.
It's easy. Anyone can do it.
And if you have any trouble... just click on the Help desk tab and call customer service.
Look, I want you to be successful. Doing the little things makes all the difference in the world!
If you're not using Video email in your marketing... then start today!
The Zfreedom System
When you work hard at network marketing... and you're willing to do what the average person isn't... then you will reap the benefits of its amazing flexible life-style.
Internet-Network marketing is amazing- I'm here on a vacation with my family at the lake and I'm still working my business!
Talk about rewarding!
And the thing is, I'm more than willing to share with you how Doug and I got here. Actually, that is my passion- to teach you the art of marketing your Zrii business.
And that is what Zfreedom is all about.
So what can you do that will separate yourself from the rest?
You see, the key in building a successful business is to NOT be average.
Rise above your competition. Be willing to do what most aren't.
Hence today's topic: Why Use Video Email?
Do you know what the fastest growing trend on the internet is?
Social networking (i.e. facebook, MySpace, twitter, etc.)
Do you know why?
People want to "know" each other. They want to connect.
So how can you use this knowledge when building your Zrii business?
Use video email.
Think about it. How many times do you get a video email from a person that is trying to sell you something? What would that do if you did?
Do you realize the impact it would have on your prospects if you took a few minutes to let them "see" you through a video email?
I can almost here you say, "But, I don't know what to say".
That's ok. You don't need to say anything significant... and you certainly don't need to pitch Zrii on them (that is what the marketing site does). Just let them know who you are and how much you care about them.
That's it.
You just separated yourself from your competition in a HUGE way.
You connected with your prospect or new distributor in a whole new level.
So how easy is it to incoporate video email into your marketing efforts?
Very easy!
The Zfreedom System already has it available to the Premier users. Not a premier user yet? Just log onto your Zfreedom back office and scroll over the "Home" tab and click on "My Account and Billing". There will be an option for you to upgrade.
What do premier users get:
1. Video email
2. Toll free number
3. Conference bridge line
4. Webinar capabilities
5. Ability to edit auto responders
6. Live customer support
Now, I hope I don't need to tell you how valuable all of these things are. You would be hard pressed to find all of these in a single package for under $50.
But, just the video email alone is worth gold!
All you need is a computer, a web-cam, and a microphone.
You can pick up a web-cam with a built-in microphone for less than 50 bucks at your local electronic store (just don't buy the cheapest one... quality is important)
Then once you have the Premier account in Zfreedom just log onto your Zfreedom back office and scroll over the "Power Tools" tab. Then click on "Video Creator" and follow the step by step instructions.
It's easy. Anyone can do it.
And if you have any trouble... just click on the Help desk tab and call customer service.
Look, I want you to be successful. Doing the little things makes all the difference in the world!
If you're not using Video email in your marketing... then start today!
The Zfreedom System
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