And I mean WIN BIG TIME! What everyone needs...actually the very blood flow of your network marketing business is a steady stream of prospects. People that are interested in what you are offering.
To be honest, network marketing is not really different than any other business. A business needs to learn to market themselves so that they have clients or customers...people that are interested in what they offer. Without a flow of customers or clients, the business will die.
The internet just happens to be one of the BEST ways to generate an endless flow of prospects that are interested in YOUR business. The problem is that 99% of network marketers don't have a clue how to use the internet to build their business. And who can blame them? I still hear the majority of network marketers saying, "Oh, the internet doesn't work...this business is all about relationships"
You know what that is? Ignorance. Anybody who thinks you can't use the internet to recruit people into your business and still maintain good relationships with those people don't know the first thing about internet network marketing.
People are starving for a NEW way to get an endless flow of prospects. I get people coming to me everyday (phone calls galore) asking me to teach them how I do it. And that is exactly what I am doing. One Global Network developed a system called One Global Wellness that gives everything you need including teaching and coaching to be successful on the internet.
So if you are one of the few that can think outside the box and have a vision for where network marketing is heading (hint: your using it right now)...then stay tuned because what you are going to learn over the next few months has the possibility to make you the top earner in Zrii...with everyone coming to YOU for your advice.
I want YOU to be the expert. I want YOU to learn to harness the power of the internet so that you never worry about finding prospects again.
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