And I mean WIN BIG TIME! What everyone needs...actually the very blood flow of your network marketing business is a steady stream of prospects. People that are interested in what you are offering.
To be honest, network marketing is not really different than any other business. A business needs to learn to market themselves so that they have clients or customers...people that are interested in what they offer. Without a flow of customers or clients, the business will die.
The internet just happens to be one of the BEST ways to generate an endless flow of prospects that are interested in YOUR business. The problem is that 99% of network marketers don't have a clue how to use the internet to build their business. And who can blame them? I still hear the majority of network marketers saying, "Oh, the internet doesn't work...this business is all about relationships"
You know what that is? Ignorance. Anybody who thinks you can't use the internet to recruit people into your business and still maintain good relationships with those people don't know the first thing about internet network marketing.
People are starving for a NEW way to get an endless flow of prospects. I get people coming to me everyday (phone calls galore) asking me to teach them how I do it. And that is exactly what I am doing. One Global Network developed a system called One Global Wellness that gives everything you need including teaching and coaching to be successful on the internet.
So if you are one of the few that can think outside the box and have a vision for where network marketing is heading (hint: your using it right now)...then stay tuned because what you are going to learn over the next few months has the possibility to make you the top earner in Zrii...with everyone coming to YOU for your advice.
I want YOU to be the expert. I want YOU to learn to harness the power of the internet so that you never worry about finding prospects again.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Article Marketing...An Internet Marketer's Friend
Ever heard of article marketing? If not, you are in for a special treat today. Article marketing is probably one of the best ways to drive traffic to any website without ever having to spend a dime! Just think what kind of leverage you could have by writing a few articles that get circulated throughout the internet and search engines for years to come...and when people read them they can click on your link to visit your OGW lead capture page.
What is an article and where do you submit them? An article is simply a write up about any topic...could be network marketing, health, nutrition, zrii, amalaki...the list goes on. Most articles are around 300-500 words in length. The best articles are ones that have good solid content that people are interested in. In other words, your article should be fairly informative to the reader. You can submit articles to any article directory on the internet for FREE! But, in my opinion the best one is
Anytime you are writing an article there are a few basic things to remember. First, you want your content to be keyword rich. That means that if you are talking about amalaki then your article should have the keyword amalaki in it many times...maybe even amalaki juice or amalaki berry and so on. HINT: Put as many of your keywords as possible in the title of your article.
Second, don't worry about what to write. People want to hear your thoughts so just put them on paper...tell people what you know about a certain topic or interest. You'll be surprised at how many people enjoy reading your thoughts. Third, use keyword phrases NOT just keywords. For example, "Zrii review" is a keyword phrase.
Remember, you want someone to type a keyword or keyword phrase into google and have your article come up. For instance, at the time I'm writing this blog post, if you typed, "deepak chopra zrii" into google my article is the first one to come up. Pretty cool, huh? And the best part is that it only took me around 25 mintues to write and I haven't paid a dime.
So how do you get traffic to your site by writing articles? Good question. Every time you write an article you get to include a resource box or bio at the end of your article. In that resource box you will present yourself as a professional network marketer and have your url to your OGW lead capture page available for people to click on.
Does it work? Well, instead of me just saying, "yeah, of course it works" about I show you real statistics. Sound good?
O.k. so here are the stats to date:
I've written around 8 articles. I've had 351 visitors to my site and 21 prospects (people that have given me their contact information). Not bad, considering that I have it on auto pilot and just follow up with people that are interested in the Zrii opportunity. Out of those prospects I've had a couple of sign ups.
But, it even gets better. After you write an article it stays in circulation for a very long time. I've heard of some people receiving traffic for years from one article!
So when you have some spare time, sit down and write a few articles. Have fun doing it and watch people come to you!
Ps. Here is a tip for those who HATE to write. Go to and you can post a project where other people will write for you. It does cost a little but if you don't mind paying someone it can save you a lot of time.
Pps. For that tip you can just hug me next time you see me :)
Ppps. Watch this video The Basics Of Article Marketing
Stay tuned for more traffic tips.
What is an article and where do you submit them? An article is simply a write up about any topic...could be network marketing, health, nutrition, zrii, amalaki...the list goes on. Most articles are around 300-500 words in length. The best articles are ones that have good solid content that people are interested in. In other words, your article should be fairly informative to the reader. You can submit articles to any article directory on the internet for FREE! But, in my opinion the best one is
Anytime you are writing an article there are a few basic things to remember. First, you want your content to be keyword rich. That means that if you are talking about amalaki then your article should have the keyword amalaki in it many times...maybe even amalaki juice or amalaki berry and so on. HINT: Put as many of your keywords as possible in the title of your article.
Second, don't worry about what to write. People want to hear your thoughts so just put them on paper...tell people what you know about a certain topic or interest. You'll be surprised at how many people enjoy reading your thoughts. Third, use keyword phrases NOT just keywords. For example, "Zrii review" is a keyword phrase.
Remember, you want someone to type a keyword or keyword phrase into google and have your article come up. For instance, at the time I'm writing this blog post, if you typed, "deepak chopra zrii" into google my article is the first one to come up. Pretty cool, huh? And the best part is that it only took me around 25 mintues to write and I haven't paid a dime.
So how do you get traffic to your site by writing articles? Good question. Every time you write an article you get to include a resource box or bio at the end of your article. In that resource box you will present yourself as a professional network marketer and have your url to your OGW lead capture page available for people to click on.
Does it work? Well, instead of me just saying, "yeah, of course it works" about I show you real statistics. Sound good?
O.k. so here are the stats to date:
I've written around 8 articles. I've had 351 visitors to my site and 21 prospects (people that have given me their contact information). Not bad, considering that I have it on auto pilot and just follow up with people that are interested in the Zrii opportunity. Out of those prospects I've had a couple of sign ups.
But, it even gets better. After you write an article it stays in circulation for a very long time. I've heard of some people receiving traffic for years from one article!
So when you have some spare time, sit down and write a few articles. Have fun doing it and watch people come to you!
Ps. Here is a tip for those who HATE to write. Go to and you can post a project where other people will write for you. It does cost a little but if you don't mind paying someone it can save you a lot of time.
Pps. For that tip you can just hug me next time you see me :)
Ppps. Watch this video The Basics Of Article Marketing
Stay tuned for more traffic tips.
article marketing,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Chicago Zrii Pre-Launch Event
I just got back from the pre-launch event held in Chicago and let me tell was awesome. This company is totally different and refreshing. And it is my pleasure to announce that One Global Network Team has some of the best people I've ever met.
The DVD coming out for Zrii is unbelievable! Even though this blog is dedicated to showing others how to use the internet to fuel their building efforts in Zrii, it cannot go unnoticed how effective the DVD will be...especially in combination with the mini bottle of Zrii.
Lately, I've been receiving 40-50 prospects/day. Sound too good to be true? Well, remember that I simply worked my way up from 1-2 prospects a day. Now, I should make it clear that I do spend money to bring in that many prospects a day. But, there is nothing like the feeling when YOU control your own lead generation.
Anybody can do it! I have been really busy lately but in the coming weeks I will be writing more on how you can start using the One Global Wellness system to your advantage and see what it feels like to have people coming to you!
The DVD coming out for Zrii is unbelievable! Even though this blog is dedicated to showing others how to use the internet to fuel their building efforts in Zrii, it cannot go unnoticed how effective the DVD will be...especially in combination with the mini bottle of Zrii.
Lately, I've been receiving 40-50 prospects/day. Sound too good to be true? Well, remember that I simply worked my way up from 1-2 prospects a day. Now, I should make it clear that I do spend money to bring in that many prospects a day. But, there is nothing like the feeling when YOU control your own lead generation.
Anybody can do it! I have been really busy lately but in the coming weeks I will be writing more on how you can start using the One Global Wellness system to your advantage and see what it feels like to have people coming to you!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How Do I Do It?
Alright, I get a lot of people asking me how I get 20 prospects a day coming in from my using a marketing system. It's like people think it's some sort of magic. Oooohh, aahhhh, wow!
I know it is really cool...well, insanely have people coming to me everyday wanting more information about Zrii, but it doesn't have to be mystical. Anyone can do it! I'm no guru which means that all of you can do what I'm doing.
Good news, right? I've never met someone yet who doesn't want highly targeted prospects coming to them all throughout the day. In fact, network marketing becomes a whole lot funner when that happens.
I know, you want to know the secret to all my success. Well, I hope I don't disappoint any of you because it isn't really that big of a secret. In fact, everything I'm about to share with you, you can learn off the internet. Yeah, you might have to pay for it, but if you seek you will find!
O.k. so let's get something straight. The first thing needed in any kind of marketing is a marketing system. But, it has to be the right kind of marketing system...complete with effective lead capture pages, sales letters, and follow up emails. Now, I'm not going to get into the details of why these are necessary components except to say that any good marketing system has these components.
The second trick or "secret" is getting people (eyeballs) to your site. Pretty simple, huh? Really, that is all marketing is about. Seriously, if people could grasp this one little concept of having a marketing system do the selling and simply focusing on getting traffic to their site...well, they would do very well in network marketing.
So how do you get traffic to your site? That is the BIG question.
But, it is almost 1:00 in the morning and I need to go to bed. However, stay tuned for some more posts where I will outline every single method I use to get 20 prospects a day. After you learn my little "secrets" you can go and do the same.
I know it is really cool...well, insanely have people coming to me everyday wanting more information about Zrii, but it doesn't have to be mystical. Anyone can do it! I'm no guru which means that all of you can do what I'm doing.
Good news, right? I've never met someone yet who doesn't want highly targeted prospects coming to them all throughout the day. In fact, network marketing becomes a whole lot funner when that happens.
I know, you want to know the secret to all my success. Well, I hope I don't disappoint any of you because it isn't really that big of a secret. In fact, everything I'm about to share with you, you can learn off the internet. Yeah, you might have to pay for it, but if you seek you will find!
O.k. so let's get something straight. The first thing needed in any kind of marketing is a marketing system. But, it has to be the right kind of marketing system...complete with effective lead capture pages, sales letters, and follow up emails. Now, I'm not going to get into the details of why these are necessary components except to say that any good marketing system has these components.
The second trick or "secret" is getting people (eyeballs) to your site. Pretty simple, huh? Really, that is all marketing is about. Seriously, if people could grasp this one little concept of having a marketing system do the selling and simply focusing on getting traffic to their site...well, they would do very well in network marketing.
So how do you get traffic to your site? That is the BIG question.
But, it is almost 1:00 in the morning and I need to go to bed. However, stay tuned for some more posts where I will outline every single method I use to get 20 prospects a day. After you learn my little "secrets" you can go and do the same.
How Many Prospects Did I Get Today For My Zrii Business?
O.k. you might not believe me that network marketing can be this easy. Most people in network marketing are out busting their butts off...and for what? Not that I don't admire people who go out and do that...I really do...but do I have to do the same?
Well, take today for instance. I received over 20 prospects through my marketing system. Real people that came to me! Yes, it cost me a little money and I have spent some time setting up campaigns, but other than that I just sit back and let my marketing system do the work.
How would you like to have prospects coming in every single day? How much would that be worth to you? How fast could you grow your Zrii business. Well, it is not only possible but YOU can do it! And that is what I want to teach you.
So stay tuned for more on how you can do exactly what I'm doing to get your steady flow of prospects for your Zrii business.
Well, take today for instance. I received over 20 prospects through my marketing system. Real people that came to me! Yes, it cost me a little money and I have spent some time setting up campaigns, but other than that I just sit back and let my marketing system do the work.
How would you like to have prospects coming in every single day? How much would that be worth to you? How fast could you grow your Zrii business. Well, it is not only possible but YOU can do it! And that is what I want to teach you.
So stay tuned for more on how you can do exactly what I'm doing to get your steady flow of prospects for your Zrii business.
Marketing Is The Life Blood Of Any Business
That is exactly what this blog is dedicated too. Helping network marketers achieve success with Zrii in a whole new and refreshing way. Stay tuned for many more posts about marketing and how it can put you on the fast track for HUGE success with your Zrii business.
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