Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Time To The "Big Apple"...

Here's a picture of Gene and I at Times Square.

Did I ever tell you how much I love network marketing?


Because of the amazing friendships that are created from building the business. I couldn't think of a better industry to be in... the relationships make it worth it all!

I arrived last Wednesday in Newark ready to hit up the big city. Gene Pomerants, an amazing Zrii leader and now good friend, picked me up at the airport.

The first night we went downtown Manhattan and experienced the best Mexican food I've ever tasted. And that is a huge compliment because I used to live in California and ate authentic Mexican food almost once a week.

The restaurant is called "Hell's Kitchen" in case you are ever in the area and feel like some really good Mexican. I believe it is located in Times Square.

I stayed at Gene's place in Brooklyn. I slept on his son's bunk bed and had a great time getting to know their family. Their little girl, Isabel, is so cute. Apparently she is really shy and doesn't do so well with strangers. But, within 5 minutes she was showing me all her dolls and I couldn't stop her from talking if I tried :-)

I guess Canadians are just really likable.

The Zrii meeting went great. We had about 40 people show up in back room of a photography studio that was donated by Barry Burnes, a local photographer. Gene just called me and said they had over $7000 worth of volume come in since the meeting! I used the power point presentation located in the back office of Zfreedom under the Training section (just in case you were wondering what to use for your meetings)

Then we had a great training. We talked about how to create business cards that make prospects WANT to come to your website.

After the training we all went out for some really good Thai food. Man, we had a good time!

Now I have life-long friends in NY.

Make sure you are getting out and meeting people. Invite them to your Zfreedom website (see step #4 in the back office of Zfreedom to learn about where to begin) and then get them out to a meeting or do a three-way call.

It doesn't get any simpler to build this business (and it couldn't be more fun):

1. Invite 2-3 new people a day to view your Zfreedom presentation
2. Do a three-way call with your upline
3. Invite them to a meeting


If you do these simple things you will reap the rewards of creating walk-away residual income!

Until next time... BE CONSISTENT AND HAVE FUN!

Dave Vass

Monday, September 8, 2008

Have You Ever Felt Discouraged?

Zrii is a real business and as such there will be times of frustration and discouragement.

You may think, "Oh come on Dave, you are a 9 star, you don't even know what discouragement is like"

Oh really?

Anyone who has started their own business knows what it is like to be frustrated and discouraged at times. The key is to get through it. Don't let discouragement rob you of the opportunity that is before you.

Do you know how I personally get through discouragement? I have at least one person in my life that always encourages me and belives in me no matter what.

If you don't have someone like that then try to find one. Two is better than one.

Here's something that I found really interesting from Doug Firebaugh:

The Pressure of Frustration can Be defeated.

If someone told you that you could succeed at anything you put your mind to, would you believe them? if someone told you that there would be frustrating times would you believe them? If they told you you would get through them- would you believe them?

Many people today battle with the Power of frustration- and Disocuragement. It is amazing. You would think that people would get past the emotions that stop them- but they do not. They seem to cling to the frustration and discouragement as a way of maybe holding on to not having to try again.

But there are things that you can do, and there are things that you can say as well. if you just understand that all discouragement is temporary and can be defeated easily.


You MUST be able to get your people as well as yourself back on track and out of the slack.

It starts with an understanding of what discouragement really is, and what creates it, and then what to do to get rid of it, and ALL Leaders need to know this.

First off, discouragement is simply an emotion that replaces courage, or the will to continue.

And just like the words displace, distrust, or dislike, this emotion creates the opposite of what once was..it is the Silent, Deadly Thief in a Distributors life, and you must know how to handle it.

There are basically 5 things that create discouragement in this business, and all else revolves around them:

1)Questioning yourself.

All discouragement starts with questioning yourself, conciously, or subconciously..those deadly words -"Can I really Do this?" and it echoes in their heart.

2) Lack of Results.

This is a biggie. You can eject yourself from this business with no results. And this starts with questioning you, which sabotages your actions, which cripples your results.

3) Expectations too high.

This is done almost daily in this industry. The new person does not yet have the skillset to build a million dollar business, but expects to, and when it does not happen quickly, they think they cannot do this business.

4) Listening to the Wrong People.

This can discourage quickly, as people that the new distributor knows becomes negative and the distributor is not

inoculated to fend off the arrows. (This is a Must!)

5) Loss of a Vision OnFire.

People do this business to Increase, Empower, or Improve something in their life. All Leaders know this. After you have been in a while, you can lose the Fire for your Vision, because slowly, silently, Doubt has crept in, created by distractions, or Lack of Focus, or lack of Empowering Relationships...growing into a Discouragement Tumor, then Cancer.

ok....What can we do to battle this?

1) First off, understand that most Discouragement is caused by Set Backs in the Distributors Heart.What can create these Set Backs? We have found that most are caused by one thing:

Communication Errors.

We get paid to do one thing -Communicate with people! And when Set Backs happen, most can be traced to the communication power (or lack of it) in the new person's effort. Sit down with the new person, (or your upline if you are down and out), and walk through the Prospecting with them to see if they have enough folks to talk to.

Go through how they are contacting people and listen live as they do it to see where the breakdown is. Take notes. Listen to their Presentation, and see where the breakdown is, as well as the Getting the Decision, and handling objections.

Somewhere in there, you will find the problem, I promise. Whether it is too weak communication, non-conviction communication, lack of enough communication, too much communication, or too strong communication, you will find the glitch.

And do not forget the "inner communication" within ourselves as we speak to others...If that is negative, so goes the appointment.

2) Have Home Office call the Down Distributor (someone of notariety) and chat with the distributor to encourage them.

A little ‘Special Attention" has refired many down folks into SuccessInfernos! Also have a Top Earner call them as well and tell the Distributor about their own hard times and challenges..

3) Micro-Event a day.

What is that? Sit down with the new distributor, and make a list of easy, small actions you KNOW will be successful ( 5 phone calls, 5 letters out, 5 new prospects, etc) and celebrate their efforts and small successes. They MUST get back to

expecting Success, no matter how small, through micro-events.

4) Say the 4 Power Words.

Over and Over and Over, say the Most Powerful Words In Downline Building..

I BELIEVE IN YOU! (Do you know how long it has been for most people since they have heard those words? YEARS!)

This is what we call "Battered Heart FirstAid".

WARNING: Some folks will become discouraged and when you try to help, will become almost co-dependent.

Always say ‘I cannot and will not do this Business For You, for that would cripple you. So I need to find out what is wrong, and correct it..so you can do this in a more Powerful Way.."

So In Summary - Special Attention, Focus on the Process, and Ignite their Hearts with the 4 Power Words.