Thursday, July 1, 2010

New network marketing company directory just launched ...

After more than six months of a lot of time, work, and money I've finally finished my latest project where I created a network marketing company directory.

Here are a few notes:

- It is brand new so please be patient as we finalize all the details. However, it is 90% complete and fully functional.

- I created a Network Marketing blog where you can create blog posts and get HUGE exposure (just make sure to follow the guidelines)

- You can buy an exclusive company profile ad - click on the Advertise tab and watch the video to learn more.

Okay, so here's the deal. You are among the first to really know about this site. I've already had quite a few orders (people buying company profile ads) just from having it live for 3 weeks and sending out a message to my Facebook group and my personal blog.

Because you are among the first to know about it you have the opportunity to grab the exclusive ad space for your company listing (hopefully it isn't already taken). In fact, there is still no one who has bought the Zrii exclusive ad (for anyone who is still in Zrii that is reading this).

And I wanted to give you a special offer that I am only giving to members of my Facebook group and of course people who are subscribed to my Zfreedom blog (you). We have about 4 Home page, featured spots available right now. Normally they cost $69/month. However, the first 4 people to buy an exclusive company profile ad (the Gold package) will get 3 months FREE on the Home page.

BUT ONLY THE FIRST FOUR PEOPLE WILL GET THIS DEAL! Once the spots are filled, they are gone. But, that doesn't mean the exclusive company ad isn't worth it - I'm just giving a very generous offer since it's the official launch of my site.

Go here now to check out my new site. And don't forget to click the Advertise tab and also the Network marketing blog.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 403-978-1914.

P.s. If you have a company that does not have a complete listing (i.e. video, description, etc.) don't worry - just let me know and it will only take a few minutes to update.

P.p.s. When you buy an ad (Click here to learn more) make sure you click on the PayPal button to complete your order.

Network marketing companies

Monday, January 4, 2010

4 People Walk Away From A Six-Figure Residual Income

Well, all I can say is that a movement has started... people thought that Doug and I were crazy for walking away from our six-figure residual income but now it's happening with others as well.

It's hard enough to believe that we would hand in our resignation letter and walk away from our income but what if you were to find out that some other top network marketers in another company have just done the same thing to join our team?

In all my years of doing network marketing full-time I have never had the honor and privilege of sponsoring people into my team that have made $100,000/month.

Watch the video below and learn more about the movement that is taking place.

P.s. Just so you know, we only had ONE drink to celebrate the new year!

Here's some websites that you may be interested in:

Our Story:

Our Nu Skin Website:

Our Team Incentive Page:

Our Duplication Page: