Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Zrii Comp Plan Video Kicks Butt!

I hope everyone is having a great summer.

Lots of people have been asking when we are going to create a video that explains the new Zrii compensation plan.

Well, you got what you asked. Let me know what you think.

New Zrii Compensation Plan Explanation Video

This video has been uploaded to the Zfreedom websites and to the "one touch" emails.

We keep adding value to Zfreedom. It very well could be the best marketing system in the network marketing industry.

Are you using it?

Check out just one of my Zfreedom websites by Clicking Here.

You could have the SAME website. In fact, your entire team can use the same website. And it is only $1 to try for 30 days.

I just got an email from a prospect this morning that went to my website and here is what she said (I copied and pasted it from my email),

On 26-Jul-09, at 10:51 AM, Eve D wrote:

Good morning David! I know it's a Sunday
so I'm not even sure this will get opened
today. However, since I work retail and
have odd hours, I have today off and wanted
to talk to you if possible.

I must say, I love the professionalism
of the website as it's a far cry from all
the hyped up ones I've seen (and joined
to no avail).

I found myself resonating with the energy
of the product, company and people so
obviously I'd like to learn more. If possible
please call me today (I may be in and out
so leave message) or if better for you, call
me Monday eve. after 7pm PST. I live
in AZ."

Okay, so are the Zfreedom websites effective? You bet they are! I get emails like this a lot.


Start Today by getting your own Zfreedom membership by Clicking Here.

Have a great summer.

See you all at RSA!

P.s. My new baby is doing wonderful... thank you for ALL your support!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Did you know about this?

Apparently Zrii has a number you can call where you can listen in to any of the Zrii calls that have happened during the last few weeks.

Missed a call?

There's been some really really great calls in the last couple of weeks. Some of them on the new comp plan, others on the latest Zrii updates, etc.

If you missed the latest Zrii conference call, no worries. Try the convenience of listening to the most recent calls with the push of a few buttons. Just call our replay line at 507.726.4107 any time and follow the prompts. No passcode is required.
