Monday, June 22, 2009

New Zrii Business Plan... Download Today!


Have you heard about our Zrii Business Plan? It is a complete plan of action for you to follow to practically guarantee success!

You won't find a business plan anywhere else that is so comprehensive and easy to follow. Nothing is left out. It's all there.

Listen to what Krisite Arnold, a fellow Zrii I.E., wrote me after reading it for her third time,

"That business plan rocks--I love that you have a "list of characteristics" when developing "your top 20 list". I fully agree that certain type of people will not be interested in Zrii at all and why even waste your time and go there, so semi-targeting this "Zrii audience" is very smart. Also I like the "Core Group" idea--powerful. Finally, it's cool that you have recommended certain business kits--I was always just told to "push the premium kit at all costs!", but I think this makes so much more sense."

A special thanks to Krisite for helping me update the business plan and launch version 2.0! And to Marcus Cox (one of the coolest Zrii I.E.'s from the Napa valley) for creating an entire NEW section on how to make $1000-$3,000/month when on a tight budget.

You know what's cool. We could have limited this business plan to only our team. However, we have made it available to all Zrii I.E.'s. So feel free to share it to everyone you know that is in Zrii. They will thank you that you did!

Click Here To Download Version 2.0 of The Zrii Business Plan

Enjoy. Spread the word. Give your team this, tell them to print it off and carry it with them everywhere they go. It will only help duplicate your efforts!

Here's to all of our future success in Zrii!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

NEW Zrii Compensation Plan ...

Well, this years Zrii convention was simply the best. It was so much fun. Everyone was friends with each other and we all felt like part of one big family.

My highlight was Tony Robinns. All I can say is, "Wow!".

Tony is the best speaker I've ever seen. Just seeing him was worth the entire weekend.

But, apart from the sessions, we had a blast. We went out with so many Zrii I.E.'s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I'm telling you... it was so much fun.

So what were the major announcements at convention?

Well, the biggest announcement is the NEW prosperity plan. Yes, Zrii has a new compensation plan. And it is amazing!

Why did Zrii introduce a new compensation plan?

Simple ...

The old one was not paying enough. The leaders need to be paid more. Who is a leader? Anyone who is actively building their business and producing!

So, the good news is that Zrii just got a whole lot better. We now have a very lucrative compensation plan.

You should know that my brother and I have been talking to Zrii about tweaking their comp plan for over a year. So this is not just some quick decision. Bill Farley took a lot of time, he hired two of the best consultants in network marketing, and then allowed the leaders of the field to give their input.

Bottom line is that YOU will be getting paid MORE in Zrii for the same amount of work.

Everything that wasn't working right in the old plan has now been improved. Everything that was working right in the old plan has stayed the same.

This is really good news. We will now attract some of the best network marketers in the industry.

If you'd like to add a comment at the bottom and share your thoughts or questions about the new Zrii compensation plan please do.

BTW, everyone at the Zrii convention that I talked to was pumped about the new plan. They all think it is going to pay more for anyone actively building the business.

I think Zrii will be updating their prosperity plan on their website very soon to reflect the changes... stay tuned.

The second major announcement is that Zrii will be launching a NEW product in the fall. It will be a weight-loss shake!

Oh ya baby!

I love it! I can't wait for this shake. It's going to be amazing... and it will still be ayurvedic based.

Well, that's all for now. Leave a comment if you like.