Let's face it, most people join a network marketing company to make money. And because it is so EASY to join... you only need to fork out $100-200 to get started... a lot of people are attracted to it.
Here's the problem:
Making money is NEVER easy. Network marketing is NOT a business model where you are going to make quick money and get rich after 3 months. In fact, it is going to take a lot of hard work at first with very little money coming in which will eventually turn into very little work and LOTS of money coming in (if you are persistent and stick to it).
I'm amazed at how many people look at network marketing as a "short term" fix for their financial problems. Network marketing is about becoming financially FREE with residual income... but it takes time!
Zrii is a REAL business and you MUST treat it like one. If you work hard, applying good marketing principles and stick to it you will be laughing after only a few short years.
Let me ask you something. If you could work hard on your Zrii business for 2 years and know that you would have residual income for the rest of your life would it be worth it?
When someone tells me they want to make $10,000/month residual income from Zrii I ask them what kind of investment and how much work they are willing to put into it.
Most of the time I get an answer like, "Oh, I think I'm willing to spend a few hundred dollars and put a few hours a week into it"
When you find an investment where you can put a few hundred dollars into it and get paid $10,000/month for the rest of your life then let me know because I want in!
The truth is that building your Zrii business will take time, money, hard work, and commitment.
But if you believe in the company, in the product, in residual income, and in yourself than you will be committed... and commitment leads to financial reward.
Here's the good news:
Building your Zrii business does not require that you be rich. After all, if we were rich already then why are we working our butts off any way?
A good rule of thumb is that you invest 5-10% of what you expect to be earning after 12 months of being in Zrii.
So if you want to earn $5000/month after working Zrii for 12 months then you should invest at least $250-500/month in order to build it. You will need to spend at least 10 hours a week working on your business as well.
And don't tell me you don't have money!
If you say that or if you hear one of your prospects tell you that... don't believe it! 99.9% of the people you talk to (including yourself) have money. It is just a matter of where they want to use it. And if you really are concerned about lacking money then network marketing is just for you!
How can you NOT have money to invest in your future? Residual income is worth me shuffling around some of my bills in order to invest in my Zrii business. Do you really understand the power of residual income? Then what are you willing to sacrifice for it? Don't ever be mistaken... anything good in life usually comes with sacrifice.
I hear people tell me, "Dave, I want to make the same amount of money you are making in Zrii". Do you have any idea what I have put into Zrii?
Let me tell you.
I gave up my job cold turkey to build Zrii. Yes, that's right (even though my wife thought I was stupid). I had NO income coming in. I used up all my savings in order to sustain myself for 4 months while I was building my Zrii business.
I pretty much maxed out all my credit cards. And my wife experienced for the first time in her life being at the grocery store and not having enough money in her account to pay the grocery bill. Do you know how that made me feel as a husband?
I put EVERYTHING on the line for Zrii. I believed so much in the company, and in the product that I was going to do whatever it took to make it a success.
Oh sure... now that I am making a LOT of money in Zrii, people think it was just "fluke" or being in a good place.
Little do they know what I "put on the line" in order to build my business.
So you still want to make money in network marketing? You'll get what you put into it. And stop thinking it is a "get rich quick" thing and start treating it like a real business. Plug into Zfreedom, invest into marketing, get people to your site, hand out mini bottles, call so many people that you have a $1000 cell phone bill, follow up with your prospects, send postcards, go to meetings, get on the conference calls, encourage your team... in a nutshell, do whatever it takes in order to be a success!
Is it really worth it?
Well, after 9 months of building Zrii I have replaced my previous income and I have more freedom than I have ever dreamed of. I'm pretty much set for life.
What do you think?
Even if I would have had to get another job in order to pay my bills and even if it would have taken 2 years to replace my income... it would still worth it.
See you at convention.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
My Book Is Finally Published...
I never thought the day would come when I could actually say that I'm an author. My hard copy just came in the mail. I'm so excited... it finally sank in... I'm an author!
Here's the deal:
My book is selling for $12.95 US on Amazon (see below). It is the SAME book that is being given away for FREE (shhhhh... don't tell anyone) on all the lead capture pages of the Zfreedom marketing system.
Talk about your prospects getting value!
Here's my proposal to you...
Buy a hard copy through the Amazon (click on the link below), read it, write a review (it better be a good review) and then find me at the convention in Salt Lake city and I will personally sign it for you!
Plus, you can use this tool as leverage for signing people up. What other upline let's you leverage a published book for your marketing efforts? That was our plan the entire time. We want YOU to be empowered in every way.
O.k. I have to say one final thing. This is the 1st edition. There will be little changes that happen over time... those who are "hard core" English majors, please don't write any nasty reviews if you find any little mistakes :)
I never thought the day would come when I could actually say that I'm an author. My hard copy just came in the mail. I'm so excited... it finally sank in... I'm an author!
Here's the deal:
My book is selling for $12.95 US on Amazon (see below). It is the SAME book that is being given away for FREE (shhhhh... don't tell anyone) on all the lead capture pages of the Zfreedom marketing system.
Talk about your prospects getting value!
Here's my proposal to you...
Buy a hard copy through the Amazon (click on the link below), read it, write a review (it better be a good review) and then find me at the convention in Salt Lake city and I will personally sign it for you!
Plus, you can use this tool as leverage for signing people up. What other upline let's you leverage a published book for your marketing efforts? That was our plan the entire time. We want YOU to be empowered in every way.
O.k. I have to say one final thing. This is the 1st edition. There will be little changes that happen over time... those who are "hard core" English majors, please don't write any nasty reviews if you find any little mistakes :)
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