You know what the problem is with mainstream mlm? The problem has nothing to do with the business model- it is the way people are taught to build their business. People seem to forget that network marketing is still a business which means you have to MARKET it- thus, the "marketing" part at the end of network marketing.
Listen to what Scott Rogers has to say, "The fact is, that the best network marketing education and training you can get should actually challenge you to constantly be getting better at MARKETING and should encourage the use of maximum leverage that will produce predictable results."
So that leaves us with the question, "What do I teach someone who has just started with Zrii on how to build their business?"
Do you tell them to write a list of 100 names of family and friends?
NO!! Please, for the love of marketing, don't do that. That is probably one of the worst ways to market any type of business. Do you see fortune 500 companies being built by going to their family and friends?
The first thing you teach someone is who their target market is.
What is a target market? A target market is a specific group of people that are already interested in what you have to offer.
Why go to your family and friends (I should make an exception here: some of your family or friends could be an excellent target market- but that is an exception and NOT a rule) when there are hundreds of thousands of people out there that are looking for Zrii?
If you want results when you advertise or spend time promoting Zrii- then make sure you are targeting a specific market.
So what are the top 3 target markets for Zrii?
1. Other Network Marketers: Think about it. Other network marketers don't have to be convinced about the business model - they get it - and Zrii is a dream come true for most network marketers.
2. People Into Alternative Health Or Holistic Healing: The Chopra name is world renown. Use that to your advantage when marketing to either other network marketers or to people that believe in alternative healing. Such people could be found at yogo studios, health centers, health stores, etc.
3. Deepak Chopra Followers: You'd be amazed at how many people follow Deepak Chopra- people that have read his books, gone to his seminars and visited the Chopra Center. These people are usually very open-minded to Zrii.
Let me stress this again: Whenever you market your business make sure you have a specific market that you are targeting! And use the power and leverage of the Chopra Center endorsement in your marketing.
Whether you are writing articles, doing ppc campains, advertising in a magazine, handing out mini bottles of Zrii... just keep in mind who your target market is.
This lesson alone will save you a lot of wasted time and money. And teaching your distributors to do the same will give you leverage like you've never seen before!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A New Way To Stay Tuned In...
If you are interested in marketing your business online and offline then you can't afford NOT to be constantly tuned into this blog.
The training you'll receive through this blog is unparalleled. Please subscribe to my blog so that you will never miss a post again.
The training you'll receive through this blog is unparalleled. Please subscribe to my blog so that you will never miss a post again.
Ahhh... So I'm Not Alone!
I was searching the internet tonight after writing the post below on "why track your ads" (which you should all read) and I came across this really good article that I thought I would share.
Now, before I share it with you let me give you a word of caution. The information in it is great but don't think the author has a "magic pill" that you are missing. Everything he says is TRUE and you are getting all the training you need right here and in the OGW system in order to market your business successfully via the most leveraged tool on earth... the internet!
If You Are Not Marketing, Your Business Is Dying!
Posted by Scott Rogers at 10/9/2007 11:41 AM and is filed under Business Marketing,network Marketing
Pretty harsh words, I know...
But, it is the truth!
If you are not marketing your business in one way or another, you are moving backwards instead of forwards. Even if you have some type of momentum going already; stopping your personal marketing efforts can make your business stagnant or actually unravel what you have done so far.
"You can water your grass once in the summer and see it grow for a few days without any other work, BUT if you don't water it again and continually, it will die."
Now, let's back up a second and define what I mean by marketing:
Marketing is either having access to a quality supply of leads on a daily basis OR having your messages out there creating your own high quality leadflow for you on a daily basis.
You see, consistency in your marketing efforts is what creates personal momentum for you.
Most people think that momentum is when you recruit a few people who happen to go full out and really get solid results. That's not momentum at all - that's a few people producing that could quit or regress at any moment. The sad part is that many people who do have this happen, stop their own marketing/prospecting efforts and think that these few 'big hitters' will take them all the way.
What you want in your business, is the kind of momentum that you couldn't stop if you tried.
That happens when you continue to personally market and produce even when you have some 'big producers' in your organization already. Why would you stop if continuing could actually double, triple, or more your momentum and income?
The point I'm getting at here is that you can't start and stop in this business. You must always have your marketing message out in the public on a daily basis so they can respond to you when the timing is right for them.
So, if you are using an advanced marketing system like Project Bigfish to generate your own leads, or you are purchasing leads - you must work with leads on a daily basis to keep your pipeline full.
One of the most frustrating things to a networker, is not being able to sponsor or retail to enough prospects as they hope to each month. A major reason for this is that many people only generate or buy a very small amount of leads (or their marketing is very minimal), and then they are very dependent upon each and every one of those people in order to reach their goal (and they say things like 'I will buy x amount of leads, and if I sign someone up, then I'll continue').
This is what I call the 'poverty mentality'. Now, I have been there before and can tell you it's not a good way to work your business.
It's like you are operating in a desperation mode, and every 'no' you get puts more of a mental stress on you than it should. Most people get involved in network marketing because they want to make more money or are struggling currently, and hope this will help them gain more financially.
The problem is, that most people that get started in mlm have no real concept of marketing, lead generation, or solid business principles. They are fed the 'all you got to do is share' line from their sponsor or upline (who most of the time knows nothing about real marketing either) and they think that a few leads or calls a week will land them a 'big hitter' who will build their business for them.
That right there is why I believe that there is such a huge failure rate in this industry - Uneducated people bringing in other uneducated people and 'trying' methods that have dismal results and that most people hate.
I don't care how great you believe your company or products are; it doesn't matter if you don't know how to EFFECTIVELY market them to your target market on a continual basis.
This is a sales business - let's not sugarcoat it anymore. It is what it is: a product/service must be sold in order for you to make a commission. This is not 'sharing' or 'word of mouth'; it's sales and marketing.
The great thing is (even if you don't consider yourself a salesman type), that if you know how to properly market and position yourself and your business; you can do more customer service and simple order taking than the typical sales convincing and overcoming objection tactics that most networkers are taught to use.
Remember, 'People want to buy, but they don't want to be sold.'
Some of the most successful network marketers I know were the top personal producers themselves who then taught their people how to do it correctly. Please don't make the mistake of thinking you can just recruit and find someone who will follow you and think they are going to do great; if you yourself can't prove it can be done.
I encourage you to be a killer personal producer in the midst of recruiting, and watch your business take off!
Remember, an uneducated networker is a BROKE networker.
Get educated today so you can educate others on your success tomorrow.
Make it a great day,
Scott Rogers
Now, before I share it with you let me give you a word of caution. The information in it is great but don't think the author has a "magic pill" that you are missing. Everything he says is TRUE and you are getting all the training you need right here and in the OGW system in order to market your business successfully via the most leveraged tool on earth... the internet!
If You Are Not Marketing, Your Business Is Dying!
Posted by Scott Rogers at 10/9/2007 11:41 AM and is filed under Business Marketing,network Marketing
Pretty harsh words, I know...
But, it is the truth!
If you are not marketing your business in one way or another, you are moving backwards instead of forwards. Even if you have some type of momentum going already; stopping your personal marketing efforts can make your business stagnant or actually unravel what you have done so far.
"You can water your grass once in the summer and see it grow for a few days without any other work, BUT if you don't water it again and continually, it will die."
Now, let's back up a second and define what I mean by marketing:
Marketing is either having access to a quality supply of leads on a daily basis OR having your messages out there creating your own high quality leadflow for you on a daily basis.
You see, consistency in your marketing efforts is what creates personal momentum for you.
Most people think that momentum is when you recruit a few people who happen to go full out and really get solid results. That's not momentum at all - that's a few people producing that could quit or regress at any moment. The sad part is that many people who do have this happen, stop their own marketing/prospecting efforts and think that these few 'big hitters' will take them all the way.
What you want in your business, is the kind of momentum that you couldn't stop if you tried.
That happens when you continue to personally market and produce even when you have some 'big producers' in your organization already. Why would you stop if continuing could actually double, triple, or more your momentum and income?
The point I'm getting at here is that you can't start and stop in this business. You must always have your marketing message out in the public on a daily basis so they can respond to you when the timing is right for them.
So, if you are using an advanced marketing system like Project Bigfish to generate your own leads, or you are purchasing leads - you must work with leads on a daily basis to keep your pipeline full.
One of the most frustrating things to a networker, is not being able to sponsor or retail to enough prospects as they hope to each month. A major reason for this is that many people only generate or buy a very small amount of leads (or their marketing is very minimal), and then they are very dependent upon each and every one of those people in order to reach their goal (and they say things like 'I will buy x amount of leads, and if I sign someone up, then I'll continue').
This is what I call the 'poverty mentality'. Now, I have been there before and can tell you it's not a good way to work your business.
It's like you are operating in a desperation mode, and every 'no' you get puts more of a mental stress on you than it should. Most people get involved in network marketing because they want to make more money or are struggling currently, and hope this will help them gain more financially.
The problem is, that most people that get started in mlm have no real concept of marketing, lead generation, or solid business principles. They are fed the 'all you got to do is share' line from their sponsor or upline (who most of the time knows nothing about real marketing either) and they think that a few leads or calls a week will land them a 'big hitter' who will build their business for them.
That right there is why I believe that there is such a huge failure rate in this industry - Uneducated people bringing in other uneducated people and 'trying' methods that have dismal results and that most people hate.
I don't care how great you believe your company or products are; it doesn't matter if you don't know how to EFFECTIVELY market them to your target market on a continual basis.
This is a sales business - let's not sugarcoat it anymore. It is what it is: a product/service must be sold in order for you to make a commission. This is not 'sharing' or 'word of mouth'; it's sales and marketing.
The great thing is (even if you don't consider yourself a salesman type), that if you know how to properly market and position yourself and your business; you can do more customer service and simple order taking than the typical sales convincing and overcoming objection tactics that most networkers are taught to use.
Remember, 'People want to buy, but they don't want to be sold.'
Some of the most successful network marketers I know were the top personal producers themselves who then taught their people how to do it correctly. Please don't make the mistake of thinking you can just recruit and find someone who will follow you and think they are going to do great; if you yourself can't prove it can be done.
I encourage you to be a killer personal producer in the midst of recruiting, and watch your business take off!
Remember, an uneducated networker is a BROKE networker.
Get educated today so you can educate others on your success tomorrow.
Make it a great day,
Scott Rogers
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Why Track Your Ads?
Our world is filled with advertising and I would estimate that 3/4 of it is non-traceable. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising (sometimes billions) and don't even really know how effective the ad was. No wonder people sometimes shy away from spending money on advertising.
If you don't track your ad then you might as well throw your money up in the air and hope it does some good. Cause NOT tracking your advertising is like an archer shooting at a target blind folded. You know the arrows are flying... but you're never sure if they are hitting the target. And when you take the blind fold off and you see that one actually hit the bulls eye... you don't even know which one!
With a good marketing system it has never been easier to track your advertising. Usually the marketing system should be fairly user-friendly and give you the ability to add a tracking code to the end of your url with a click of a button.
With that said, let me remind you that you should never spend more than $10/prospect. In fact, $10 is on the high side. I would aim at around $5/prospect. So when you are doing your ppc advertising make sure you track every adgroup and then divide the amount you've spent on that ad by the amount of prospects you've received through it.
You may be thinking that even $5 a prospect is too pricey. But, I assure you that spending $250 on 40,000 leads off the internet is like throwing your money away. The kind of prospects that you generate on your own are always the BEST! I would say that 90% of my prospects actually are glad I've called them. One good prospect is usually worth more then 40,000 junky leads off the internet.
That's all for now. I hope you had a merry Christmas and I wish you an even better new year!
Ps. If you are new to this blog then PLEASE GO BACK AND READ ALL THE PREVIOUS POSTS. Make sure you click on the different months under the archive section to the right.
If you don't track your ad then you might as well throw your money up in the air and hope it does some good. Cause NOT tracking your advertising is like an archer shooting at a target blind folded. You know the arrows are flying... but you're never sure if they are hitting the target. And when you take the blind fold off and you see that one actually hit the bulls eye... you don't even know which one!
With a good marketing system it has never been easier to track your advertising. Usually the marketing system should be fairly user-friendly and give you the ability to add a tracking code to the end of your url with a click of a button.
With that said, let me remind you that you should never spend more than $10/prospect. In fact, $10 is on the high side. I would aim at around $5/prospect. So when you are doing your ppc advertising make sure you track every adgroup and then divide the amount you've spent on that ad by the amount of prospects you've received through it.
You may be thinking that even $5 a prospect is too pricey. But, I assure you that spending $250 on 40,000 leads off the internet is like throwing your money away. The kind of prospects that you generate on your own are always the BEST! I would say that 90% of my prospects actually are glad I've called them. One good prospect is usually worth more then 40,000 junky leads off the internet.
That's all for now. I hope you had a merry Christmas and I wish you an even better new year!
Ps. If you are new to this blog then PLEASE GO BACK AND READ ALL THE PREVIOUS POSTS. Make sure you click on the different months under the archive section to the right.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
How Do I Know What Topic Or Keyword To Set Up My PPC Campaign Around?
Remember, research is key. You want to create as many adgroups as possible (if you don't know what an adgroup is please read previous posts on Google Adwords).
But, I know what a lot of you are thinking..."Gee, Dave, you make it sound so easy. Where do I find good topics or keywords to set up my adgroup around?"
I have already given you a few tips in previous posts of where you can do your research. But, today as I was browsing through all of my "junk" email of other people's opportunity promotions... a light bulb went on!
Most of you are bombarded with opportunity pitches all of the time. If you are like me, then you probably are getting them in your email box every week.
So instead of getting frustrated at all of your "junk" mail. Use it for YOUR good!
That's right! You take their opportunity and form an adgroup around it. You know that there must be people interested in their opportunity if they are spending the time to advertise it. So why not ride off the back of their work by simply putting up a PPC campaign geared towards people who would be searching for their opportunity?
I'm telling you that if you are creative... there are thousands of possibilities for setting up various adgroups.
That is the beauty of PPC advertising. You get to put your ad in front of all the traffic that another company worked hard to build up. And you don't even pay until someone clicks on your ad!
Man oh man! I hope the light bulb is starting to come on and you realize the power at your finger tips!
Again, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
But, I know what a lot of you are thinking..."Gee, Dave, you make it sound so easy. Where do I find good topics or keywords to set up my adgroup around?"
I have already given you a few tips in previous posts of where you can do your research. But, today as I was browsing through all of my "junk" email of other people's opportunity promotions... a light bulb went on!
Most of you are bombarded with opportunity pitches all of the time. If you are like me, then you probably are getting them in your email box every week.
So instead of getting frustrated at all of your "junk" mail. Use it for YOUR good!
That's right! You take their opportunity and form an adgroup around it. You know that there must be people interested in their opportunity if they are spending the time to advertise it. So why not ride off the back of their work by simply putting up a PPC campaign geared towards people who would be searching for their opportunity?
I'm telling you that if you are creative... there are thousands of possibilities for setting up various adgroups.
That is the beauty of PPC advertising. You get to put your ad in front of all the traffic that another company worked hard to build up. And you don't even pay until someone clicks on your ad!
Man oh man! I hope the light bulb is starting to come on and you realize the power at your finger tips!
Again, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
My Little Christmas Present To You!
So we have been going through a series on pay per click advertising which has been very helpful for a lot of people. If you are new to this blog... then a warm welcome! Any new guests should go back and read all the other posts so that you are up to date on what is happening.
I have a very special treat today for those who are doing PPC advertising. In fact, this little gift will save you a TON of time! And since time is money...well, just send your check in the mail addressed to Dave Vass :) Just teasing.
For those who are actually applying my lessons on PPC, you are going to realize really quickly that there is one thing that takes a lot of time. That time consuming part is creating all the keyword phrases and variations. Remember when you find a keyword or topic you have to brainstorm and come up with many many different keyword phrases and variations while still including the MAIN keyword.
Since I've done over 40 adgroups I know how long that can take. And it isn't exactly very fun. The more keyword phrases you have the better because you will get more traffic and for cheaper. So it is a very important step that cannot be missed.
So as a Christmas present to all of you who are faithfully viewing my blog I would like to introduce you to a FREE tool that will help you "mix" all of your keywords and keyword phrases so that YOU don't have to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And guess what? It not only combines different words and phrases with your main keyword, but it also includes quotations, brackets, takes away spaces, etc.
You can find this amazing "time saving" tool at KeyWord Mixer Tool
All you do is enter your main keyword into the first box...and then different words that you would like to combine in the second and third box. Then choose what variations you want (brackets, quotations, no spaces) and whala! You can copy and paste the list to your PPC account.
And get this! You can also use a little feature there for mixing domains. I haven't touched a lot on this topic but domains are some of the BEST keywords because they are cheap and will provide you with quality traffic.
Play around with it. I think you will find it very valuable.
I have a lot more tips and secrets to share with you about PPC so stay tuned because after Christmas I will be revealing multiple PPC sites that you can use instead of just Google Adwords.
Merry Christmas!
I have a very special treat today for those who are doing PPC advertising. In fact, this little gift will save you a TON of time! And since time is money...well, just send your check in the mail addressed to Dave Vass :) Just teasing.
For those who are actually applying my lessons on PPC, you are going to realize really quickly that there is one thing that takes a lot of time. That time consuming part is creating all the keyword phrases and variations. Remember when you find a keyword or topic you have to brainstorm and come up with many many different keyword phrases and variations while still including the MAIN keyword.
Since I've done over 40 adgroups I know how long that can take. And it isn't exactly very fun. The more keyword phrases you have the better because you will get more traffic and for cheaper. So it is a very important step that cannot be missed.
So as a Christmas present to all of you who are faithfully viewing my blog I would like to introduce you to a FREE tool that will help you "mix" all of your keywords and keyword phrases so that YOU don't have to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And guess what? It not only combines different words and phrases with your main keyword, but it also includes quotations, brackets, takes away spaces, etc.
You can find this amazing "time saving" tool at KeyWord Mixer Tool
All you do is enter your main keyword into the first box...and then different words that you would like to combine in the second and third box. Then choose what variations you want (brackets, quotations, no spaces) and whala! You can copy and paste the list to your PPC account.
And get this! You can also use a little feature there for mixing domains. I haven't touched a lot on this topic but domains are some of the BEST keywords because they are cheap and will provide you with quality traffic.
Play around with it. I think you will find it very valuable.
I have a lot more tips and secrets to share with you about PPC so stay tuned because after Christmas I will be revealing multiple PPC sites that you can use instead of just Google Adwords.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Internet Marketing Is a Waste of Time!
Ever heard that before? I just had an email from a very nice couple who was told those exact words. This was my reply:
Hi _________________,
So your upline told you its a waste of time? Well, the good news is that as long as other network marketers keep thinking that way...then people who utilize the internet are going to rise to the top! Look at a blog as more of a personal diary. It is a place where others can come to read something interesting about you. Share your thoughts and experiences in network marketing and what you've learned, etc.
Article writing is very powerful. Probably one of the best FREE methods of advertising. Make sure you pick a topic with a main keyword that is not too generic (otherwise you'll have way too much competition) and then write about 300-500 words including different keyword phrases that have the main keyword in them. Once you have about 30-60 articles out you will get a decent amount of traffic. Remember, advertising does NOT have to cost just leverages time. And if you don't have the time to write so many articles you can always pay someone from Elance to write them. One word of caution: Make sure your project description is very detailed (inluding topics, keywords, keyword phrases, how many words, how much per article)...and I would not pay anymore than $7.50 an article. Go to for a very good resource on article marketing!
There are other FREE methods using Web 2.0 tatics that I haven't really touched on yet. If you use myspace go and download "adder" for myspace. It allows you to literally pick a certain group and then it will automatically invite them one by one to be your friends (make sure you only do 300 friends a space does not allow anymore then that). You can also send a comment out to everyone automatically. You should create 5-10 profiles and do that for all of them. Again, this takes time but can be very effective. Go to for the tool.
You can also visit mlm forums and others like them. Put your website url in your profile. And remember NOT to advertise but to simply join the forum and discuss topics (sometimes those forum members can be mean if they think you are there to advertise). As you participate people will click on your profile and visit your webstie. Just do a google search for "mlm discussion boards" or "mlm forums", etc. and you should be able to find some really good ones.
By far the fastest and most trackable method of advertising is pay per click. If you have a little money and follow everything I teach you will have a constant flow of traffic. Remember, you don't need to just use google adwords. there are many many different search engines with pay per click. But you still apply the same principles.
As time goes on I will continue to do training calls, video tutorials, and blog posts on how to utilize different methods to get traffic.
Pay no attention to the ones who say it doesn't work. I get 30-40 REAL time prospects a day...not very many can say that. Those who master the art of "marketing" will rise to the top!
The reason I included this here is that some people many get discouraged if they wrote a few articles, created a blog, and aren't getting good results. Look, if you want the BIG traffic then you have to take some time to do it. But I guarantee RESULTS as you spend more time applying all of the tactics I teach you. Whatever you do...don't just try a couple methods for a couple of weeks and stop! To master "marketing" it takes time but once you do...the sky is the limit!
See you at the top!
Next week I will continue our pay per click lesson...lot's more good stuff on the way!
Hi _________________,
So your upline told you its a waste of time? Well, the good news is that as long as other network marketers keep thinking that way...then people who utilize the internet are going to rise to the top! Look at a blog as more of a personal diary. It is a place where others can come to read something interesting about you. Share your thoughts and experiences in network marketing and what you've learned, etc.
Article writing is very powerful. Probably one of the best FREE methods of advertising. Make sure you pick a topic with a main keyword that is not too generic (otherwise you'll have way too much competition) and then write about 300-500 words including different keyword phrases that have the main keyword in them. Once you have about 30-60 articles out you will get a decent amount of traffic. Remember, advertising does NOT have to cost just leverages time. And if you don't have the time to write so many articles you can always pay someone from Elance to write them. One word of caution: Make sure your project description is very detailed (inluding topics, keywords, keyword phrases, how many words, how much per article)...and I would not pay anymore than $7.50 an article. Go to for a very good resource on article marketing!
There are other FREE methods using Web 2.0 tatics that I haven't really touched on yet. If you use myspace go and download "adder" for myspace. It allows you to literally pick a certain group and then it will automatically invite them one by one to be your friends (make sure you only do 300 friends a space does not allow anymore then that). You can also send a comment out to everyone automatically. You should create 5-10 profiles and do that for all of them. Again, this takes time but can be very effective. Go to for the tool.
You can also visit mlm forums and others like them. Put your website url in your profile. And remember NOT to advertise but to simply join the forum and discuss topics (sometimes those forum members can be mean if they think you are there to advertise). As you participate people will click on your profile and visit your webstie. Just do a google search for "mlm discussion boards" or "mlm forums", etc. and you should be able to find some really good ones.
By far the fastest and most trackable method of advertising is pay per click. If you have a little money and follow everything I teach you will have a constant flow of traffic. Remember, you don't need to just use google adwords. there are many many different search engines with pay per click. But you still apply the same principles.
As time goes on I will continue to do training calls, video tutorials, and blog posts on how to utilize different methods to get traffic.
Pay no attention to the ones who say it doesn't work. I get 30-40 REAL time prospects a day...not very many can say that. Those who master the art of "marketing" will rise to the top!
The reason I included this here is that some people many get discouraged if they wrote a few articles, created a blog, and aren't getting good results. Look, if you want the BIG traffic then you have to take some time to do it. But I guarantee RESULTS as you spend more time applying all of the tactics I teach you. Whatever you do...don't just try a couple methods for a couple of weeks and stop! To master "marketing" it takes time but once you do...the sky is the limit!
See you at the top!
Next week I will continue our pay per click lesson...lot's more good stuff on the way!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pay Per Click With Google Adwords Part 3
By now you should have watched the two basic video tutorials on pay per click advertising with Google Adwords
And then you should have been researching very specific topics and keywords within the realm of network marketing that you can set up an adgroup (adgroup simply means one ad that you've created focused around one particular keyword or keyword phrase) around. Your goal should be to have at least 20-40 different adgroups running.
So once you've done your research you are ready to begin building your adgroup.
This is going to be a short but VERY IMPORTANT LESSON!
What is the number goal you have when creating your adgroup as you think of a headline, the body of the ad, and the display url?
O.k. so make sure you get this! Your number one goal is TO GET PEOPLE TO CLICK ON YOUR AD! If people don't click on your ad then you won't get prospects. Google has this cool little feature called Click Through Rate (CTR) which tells you the percentage of people actually clicking on your ad every time it is shown. So if your ad is shown 100 times and only one person clicks on it you would have a 1% CTR.
Why is it important to understand CTR? Because the higher you get your CTR the more Google likes you. Just think about it. If google is trying to make money off your advertising and the only way they can is by someone clicking on your ad...but no one clicks on your ad then how much do you think they will want you to bid for a particular keyword? Let me answer this one...A LOT! But, the higher you get your CTR the lower you will have to bid for your keywords because Google knows that your ads are being clicked on and thus they are making money.
So how do you get people to click on your ads? Good question. Make your headline catchy, even quarky (I don't know if this is even a word). Don't just make a statement with your headline...make it stand out from the other ads. Always put yourself in your prospects shoes and think if YOU would click on that ad.
Second, in the body of your ad MAKE SURE YOU TALK ABOUT BENEFITS as opposed to features. Always ask the questions, "so what?", "who cares", etc. A benefit answers those questions. A feature is more or less just a fact or statement. A benefit takes a feature and makes it personal.
Third, try to include your main keyword in the headline and in the body if you can. This also makes google happy because it means it is a RELEVANT ad.
Lastly, let's say your display url is Try making it This is a little trick that again ads to your ad relevancy. Obviously, you would replace the "MainKeyword" part with your actual main keyword such as "AnnSieg".
O.k. so let's really get down where the rubber meets the road...nobody knows for sure how an ad will work until they test. Test, test, test. This is a marketer's favorite word. So use the "ad variation" feature and test your ad to see which version has a better CTR. Test different headlines. Test different ad bodies.
WARNING: When you test make sure you only change one variable. Otherwise you won't know what made the difference. In other words, only change the headline...not the entire ad.
That's all for now.
And then you should have been researching very specific topics and keywords within the realm of network marketing that you can set up an adgroup (adgroup simply means one ad that you've created focused around one particular keyword or keyword phrase) around. Your goal should be to have at least 20-40 different adgroups running.
So once you've done your research you are ready to begin building your adgroup.
This is going to be a short but VERY IMPORTANT LESSON!
What is the number goal you have when creating your adgroup as you think of a headline, the body of the ad, and the display url?
O.k. so make sure you get this! Your number one goal is TO GET PEOPLE TO CLICK ON YOUR AD! If people don't click on your ad then you won't get prospects. Google has this cool little feature called Click Through Rate (CTR) which tells you the percentage of people actually clicking on your ad every time it is shown. So if your ad is shown 100 times and only one person clicks on it you would have a 1% CTR.
Why is it important to understand CTR? Because the higher you get your CTR the more Google likes you. Just think about it. If google is trying to make money off your advertising and the only way they can is by someone clicking on your ad...but no one clicks on your ad then how much do you think they will want you to bid for a particular keyword? Let me answer this one...A LOT! But, the higher you get your CTR the lower you will have to bid for your keywords because Google knows that your ads are being clicked on and thus they are making money.
So how do you get people to click on your ads? Good question. Make your headline catchy, even quarky (I don't know if this is even a word). Don't just make a statement with your headline...make it stand out from the other ads. Always put yourself in your prospects shoes and think if YOU would click on that ad.
Second, in the body of your ad MAKE SURE YOU TALK ABOUT BENEFITS as opposed to features. Always ask the questions, "so what?", "who cares", etc. A benefit answers those questions. A feature is more or less just a fact or statement. A benefit takes a feature and makes it personal.
Third, try to include your main keyword in the headline and in the body if you can. This also makes google happy because it means it is a RELEVANT ad.
Lastly, let's say your display url is Try making it This is a little trick that again ads to your ad relevancy. Obviously, you would replace the "MainKeyword" part with your actual main keyword such as "AnnSieg".
O.k. so let's really get down where the rubber meets the road...nobody knows for sure how an ad will work until they test. Test, test, test. This is a marketer's favorite word. So use the "ad variation" feature and test your ad to see which version has a better CTR. Test different headlines. Test different ad bodies.
WARNING: When you test make sure you only change one variable. Otherwise you won't know what made the difference. In other words, only change the headline...not the entire ad.
That's all for now.
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